Warp part 1

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I sighed quietly as I locked the door behind me before picking up my newly purchased manga. Death Note Volume One.

I hadn't planned to buy anything as I walked past the little bookstore on the corner, but I haven't been able to find any Death Note manga anywhere, due to its popularity.

I grinned as I sat in my favorite chair to read. So it was unexpected for me to wake up to oddly familiar voices that did not belong in my living room.

"Where did she come from Ryuzaki?" I heard an older voice ask.

"I don't know. She just appeared suddenly in the bedroom. What should we do about her Watari? It isn't like we can keep her here. She can't know about the Kira Case." I hear his whispered reply.

Ryuzaki, Watari, and the Kira Case. I have somehow ended up in the Death Note world. It feels like a fan fiction come to life.

If I am in the Death Note world, there is only thing I  can do. I have to help L stop Light and Misa before they can kill him.

I look around the hotel room I've woken up in and noticed a calendar on the wall. The page states that it is December 2006. 

This is the anime. Works for me because I know more about the anime than the manga.

I look up as L walks in. I am momentarily surprised at this, having expected Watari to interrogate me, but I  deduce that L feels safe enough believing that there is no way I will know who he is.

"Before you ask, L, I don't know how I ended up here." He stiffened when I called him by his name. "My name is (First Name), and I doubt you're going to believe me, but I'm not from here." I stop to pick up the manga I  had been reading before I presumably fell asleep. It was on a page featuring L in the room with a laptop on the floor. I hold the page up, so he could see it.

"I am from another world. A world in which this world is fictional. You and Watari, and everyone else are characters in a manga and anime series." 

It is silent as L takes this all in. I slide the manga, still on the page featuring L, to him and watch him pick it up by his finger tips as he stares at the picture of him. He looks back up at me.

"This is how you know who I am. I am a fictional character in your world. You know my name?"

"I know who you are, I know that you are also Eraldo Coil and Denueve. I know about Wammy's house and your successors Near and Mello. I also know the events that will be taking place over the next 11 months."

"The Case will take 11 months?" He asks.

"Longer actually. If things go they way I know they do, in 11 months you and Watari would be killed by Kira. I want to help you solve this case before that happens. Since I have knowledge, not only of future events, but of things you wouldn't know, I could be quite useful to you in this case." He hands me the manga back, and I  gaze at it in thought for a moment.

"I have thought about this a lot. I've read stories where either real world people end up in their favorite stories in order to change the outcome of the story or to change a favorite characters' fate. I have come  to understand that there are some events that have 

to occur as it originally did, in order for things to  progress. Even though I want nothing more than to save everyone I can, if I change things too much or too quickly we may never catch Kira. However, there are some pointless deaths, like yours, that I can change." I look back up at L, noting his thumb, thinking deeply about what I've said.

"So how do we begin?" He asked.

"Considering how early in the investigation it is, the best way is to inform you of events as they come. Depending on the changes we make, some of my information could become useless. What is today by the way? That can tell me where to start."

"It's December 23rd." L answers, and I nod.

"The first necessary event has begun then." L gave me a questioning look. "Three days ago, one of the FBI agents was following Kira. His name is Raye Penber, and he was put into a position where he had to give his name to Kira. He and the other agents will be killed on the 27th. Their deaths will do two things. The first is that it reduces the number of officers working on the investigation, and the other is that it helps you reduce the number of suspects to only the families of those being investigated during the agents first five days."

"Chief Yagami will ask the officers to decide whether or not they each feel they can trust you enough to continue working with you. By the end of it, there will be total of five men including Chief Yagami. In the anime you agreed to meet with them at the Teito Hotel at midnight on January 1st."

"Should I meet with them? Is that one of the things you are here to stop?" 

"As of right now the meeting should go as planned. They will hold you back in the first few months, but they will become useful later on."

I spend the rest of the evening telling him about the men we will be working with. He is not particularly looking forward to Matsuda, still behaving like an eager rookie, but he knows that he will have to tolerate it for things I can't tell him just yet.

Death Note one shots and short storiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon