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If anyone had told me that Kira would help me find love, I would have called them insane.

Of course, if someone would have told me that the World's Greatest Detective was a tired looking young man, I would have laughed at them.

However, I have found both of those statements to be true.

The story begins at the ICPO meeting. Matsuda was supposed to go with Chief Yagami, but he was out sick that day, so I went in his place.

The meeting had begun with an argument between the Americans and a random delegate. The conversation ended up with one man bringing up someone called L.

This was my first time at the conference, so the Chief had to explain who L and Watari were.

We had listened as L spoke through a filter to hide his voice, however at certain points of his speech I could hear what he really sounded like.

He didn't sound like an older gentleman, like I always imagine a real life Sherlock Holmes sounded. Instead, he sounded younger, probably in his 20s.

We were both startled when he singled out Japan as the likely origin. I even admit that I was excited at the prospect of continuing to work with the man I was now curious about.

Later, I had watched as L had been broadcasting his communication with Kira. It was his plan to prove to us that Kira was in the country.

I jumped as Lind L Tailor suddenly died on live tv of a heart attack, proving that Kira existed.

I held my breath as I listened to the mysterious man goad Kira into killing him and released a small sigh of relief when Kira failed to kill the detective.

I had gone home that night, wondering just what kind of man L was.

Nearly three weeks later, we found out that L had been investigating all of us, and most of the taskforce walked out in anger.

Honestly, I couldn't even blame the guy. Sure, I'm not happy with the fact that I basically had a stalker I didn't notice, following me everywhere. What do you expect, though? Kira had somehow gotten private information about the case. There had to be a leak somewhere.

While many officers walked out on us, I remained on the case and was given the opportunity to meet L face to face.

To say I was surprised to see the tired looking man greet us, sounding exactly as I expected, would be an understatement.

I was so surprised that I barely even noticed the other officers introduce themselves.

I did notice his approving gaze on me. I had been the only one to remain quiet.

I studied him as he spoke. He went over all of his thoughts on the case. Some stuff we already knew, and some was things he had been thinking about since the mass walk out.

I had always had a thing about dark haired men, and his tired look made me think that he just needs to be cuddled.

I might be the only one to think that, though.

For the first few weeks we just went over what we already had, and sometimes added new bits of evidence that we discovered.

Over time, I got to know the man behind the monotone voice.

It was already obvious that he was a genius, but I found his sweet tooth adorable.

He reminded me of my childhood. When I would ask my mom to have sweets for dinner.

Every time she rejected my suggestion made me wish I was an adult. Then, I could have anything I wanted to eat. Nobody could tell me that I couldn't eat a hot fudge sundae for dinner.

I couldn't help the light smile anytime he'd offer me one of his cakes from his tray. He never did that with anyone else.

Whenever he needed someone to stay late to go over evidence or check out possible leads I was always the first to volunteer.

This gave me a chance to really get to know the man.

Even when he didn't require assistance, I would often hang back anyway. At first, I pretended to be engrossed in my work, but I was found out rather quickly.

He had asked me why I always wanted to stay rather then head home like my colleagues.

He had been surprised when I told him that I enjoyed spending time with him. He told me that I was the first person to want to spend time with him without any ulterior motive.

Since then, we would often talk late into the night. Mostly on the case, or how annoying the taskforce is when it comes to them not believing L about Chief Yagami's son.

Eventually, our discussions led to small stories of our childhoods. We never discuss exact locations, but we used basic terms for the setting of our stories.

We would talk about things we had done in our homes, or sneaking to the local ice cream shops, or where ever our minds took us.

It didn't take me long to fall in love with him, and that made me want to work harder in order to catch Kira.

The day we learned about the newest Kira, was the most concerning for me.

I had never expected to see L reacting with such fear. I did what I could to stop Aizawa from grabbing the detective, worried that it might set off a panic attack.

I stayed with the man after the others retreated home or to other rooms L had rented. I helped him calm down, and we watched the tapes together. I was the one to bring up the possibility of a second Kira, which he agreed with.

We talked about the reasons we think this Kira is not the one we've been dealing with. The fact that this Kira feels the need to prove he is Kira. The fact that this Kira has proven he can kill with just a face, the criminals, this Kira has used. The fact that the tapes ask for police assistance, and giving us the choice whether or not to comply.

"This last detail really proves to me that this is a second Kira."

"What do you mean (First name)?"

"For starters, I agree with you that Light is the original Kira. He fits the profile perfectly. A student with connections to the police and a very simplified ideal of justice. He just seems like the type that has to be the best at everything. He takes great pride in his appearance, his effect on females, as seen from Penber's reports, not to mention the times I've seen him walking around and talking to various girls. I would not be surprised if he has a sense of superiority based on his interactions with you. That can easily become a type of god complex if he has the power to dish out heart attacks."

I took a moment to drink some of the tea I made.

"That being said, this whole tape thing, this isn't his style. Light's is more likely to toy with us. Like changing the time of deaths right after we determined that he was a student. Or the notes 'L do you know?'. Sending tapes to a news station makes absolutely no sense..."

I turned to him, giving him a good look.

"If I ask you a question, will you give me an honest answer? It's nothing that's going to reveal your identity or anything." I asked.

"Depends on the question I guess..."

"How are you doing? From the whole broadcast thing I mean?"

L looked surprised and took a shaky breath.

"W-why do you ask?"

"I know that things got really tense there for a while, and Matsuda and Aizawa's behavior during the broadcast didn't help. But I noticed that you seemed...upset. You were shaking, and when you talked Aizawa out of leaving, your voice was a slightly higher pitch than normal. I don't think either of them noticed your voice. But I do know Aizawa noticed your shaking. And I ask because I care about you L. Not just as the detective in charge of the case, but as a person."

If he looked surprised by the question, my response would leave him stunned.

"Y-y-you care? About me?"

"Yes. I'm worried about you L. Not just from earlier, but all of this. Everything about this case is stressful, and I've never seen you take a single break. Even going out somewhere is case related for you. To-oh and the tennis match. Even when you went to that cafe with Light, you were testing and analyzing him. I want to help you, because I care about you L."

The change in his demeanor was immediate. L practically curled in on himself, and the shaking returned, followed by shallow breathing.

I moved to sit beside him on the couch.

"You can't keep it all inside, you know? Bottling it up won't do any good." I told him, watching as he fought to keep himself professional. He sighed, realizing that I was right.

"It's just... I'm scared. I've never had a case like this. Everyone expects me to have all the answers, but I don't even know what I am doing here! I don't want to die, but I know Light will kill me!" He sobbed, and I pulled him into my arms.

L stiffened, but slowly relaxed in my embrace as I held him close, running my fingers through his thick hair.

"You're right. This case is different, and it's a difficult one. But you're not alone. We are all working together to solve this. And I won't let you die L. You are much too important to me. I love you. You don't have to love me back or anything. Just know that I am here for you, anything you need. You are not alone anymore." I told him.

I continued running my fingers in his hair as he began to calm down.

"You need to get some rest. Today was very stressful for you. I can handle things tonight. Get some sleep. You need it."

It was a testament to how emotionally exhausted the detective was, that he did not argue. He simply nodded and thanked me for everything.

"Sleep well L. Just remember that I love you okay. I'll do whatever I can to help you. Even if it's just working through the night so you can get a break."

"I love you too (First name). Thank you for everything."

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