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(L's pov)

It's been the months since I left. Since I was forcefully separated from my new wife because of Kira.

Watari was killed by the Shinigami, and I had to fake my death. Now, I'll be working with Near and Mello to put Light Yagami and Misa Amane in prison.

I'm upset that Watari died, but I am looking forward to being home, and seeing my wife. I have no idea how things have been here, since Watari forbade us from keeping in contact with each other.


I had just talked to Watari; the first person I got into contact with when (First Name) and I returned from our honeymoon. I still couldn't believe that I have gotten married.

I looked at my beautiful wife sadly.

"Watari wants me to go to Japan. My plane leaves tomorrow afternoon. You will not be allowed to come with me."

"Why not? We always solve cases together. This shouldn't be any different."

"Kira seems to be capable of killing without being there in person. All he needs is a name and a face. He is even more dangerous than B. You will be in grave danger with me, and I can't afford to lose you. Don't worry, though. We can start our family when I return."

We had discussed the possibility of having children early on in our engagement. We both wanted a family, and we had already agreed on a list of names for each gender in case one of us doesn't survive to see our children.

It's just something you have to be ready for when you have such a dangerous job. Even if I should die after (First Name) is pregnant, or should complications arise, we know what to name our children.

"Also, Watari does not want us to contact each other. We will be working closely with the taskforce, and neither of us want them to find out about you or the boys, so the next time any of you will hear from us is when we return. I'm sorry Sweetheart."

She buried her face in my chest as I held her close, before she asked me to spend the night with her.

(Flashback end)

I had been surprised to find myself waking up in her arms the next morning. She had really worn me out.

I looked over at her alarm clock, before leaning down to kiss her and extracting myself for her grasp.

I had to leave before she woke up.

Now, the plane was touching down in England, and soon I would be seeing my wife, as she was the one who was supposed to pick me up.

I finally was able to call her last week and listened to her sweet voice for the first time since I walked out our shared bedroom.

However, when I turned around after locating all my bags, it wasn't (First Name) that I found waiting for me. It was T, another kid that grew up with us at Wammys house. My wife always viewed her as an older sister.

"T, what are you doing here? Where's my wife?" I asked her as she put my bags on the trolley.

"She's at the house right now. She was really looking forward to coming, however, something came up."

"Is she okay?" I was suddenly worried.

"She's fine. She went into labor early this morning." I blinked in surprise.

"Labor? So she's pregnant? I'm going to be a father?" I asked, and her eyes widened.

"My apologies L. I had forgotten that you hadn't been in contact with Wammys. We found out from the morning sickness about 6 weeks after you left for Japan." She explained. I looked down, I had wanted to be there for her first pregnancy to help her through it.

At least I'll be there to help her raise our child, and with my successors helping me, as well my brilliant wife, the Kira Case will be solved in no time.

"I wish I could have been there for her. I am assuming the you and the boys assisted her?"

"We did, and I was there for all of her ultrasounds, we had copies made for you."

By this point in the conversation we had arrived at the orphanage, and T was rushing me inside, where I met Matt.

Matt was telling me that there hasn't been an update yet, as they led me to the room that had been prepared for the birth.

T walked in first, and I waited to see whether or not I could go in, T came to the door with a bright smile.

"The baby has just been born. Go on in L, she is waiting for you." T announced.

I walked in, watching as the nurses rushed around to clean everything up, but then my eyes fell on to the exhausted from of my wife.

I walked straight to her, watching as her smile grew and eyes brightened when she spotted me.

"L! You're here!" I stepped up to her, leaning down to kiss her forehead and take her hand in mine.

"I'm so sorry that I couldn't be here for you during all of this, but I'm so happy to be with my family again."

"It's ok my love. You're here now, and we're so happy to see you." She replied, before glancing behind me. "Now, I want you to meet your son, (Son's name)." I looked up as a little blue bundle was placed in my arms.

Our son had a baby version of my face, as well as my black hair but it appeared that it would be a little bit tamer, like her hair. He shifted a little before blinking his eyes open. I couldn't see much of his eyes, but they looked to be mostly (eye color) with a small ring of my grey around the inner edge of his eyes.

While it was obvious that I was his father, he still held a lot of features that were purely (First Name).

"He's beautiful Sweetheart. I already love him, just as I love you."

"We love you too L. We're happy your home."

"I am too, and I promise that I will not be going anywhere without either of you again. Now get some rest love, you've had a busy day, I will be here when you wake up."

"Ok. Goodnight Lawliet."

"Goodnight Love. Sweet dreams."

"They will be now that your home."

I spent the night watching over my family, and making plans to finally arrest the two Kiras who had taken me away from the woman I love when she needed me most.

I will make sure they both regret interfering with my life.


(Your pov)

It had taken three months for the four of us to come up with a plan to finish off Kira.

L wasn't very happy about it, but he had to admit that it was the best thing we had.

Right now, I am walking down the busy Tokyo street pushing a stroller, heading towards the cemetery that holds Watari's body.

It wasn't hard for me to look like a young grieving mother. All I had to do was think about the loss of the man that found me in the ruins of my family home after my parents were murdered; the man who brought me to L.

I glanced up and saw my target just a few yards from me, not far from my destination.

"Excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice that your crying. Is everything okay?" The blonde model asked.

That's right, my target is the second Kira, Misa Amane. She was nicer than I thought she would be.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your day Miss. I'm just here to introduce my baby to his father. He was recently killed, just before he could meet our son." I replied.

Misa looked down at the stroller, my son was hidden by a thin blanket to keep the sun off of his sensitive skin.

(Son's Name) began to get fussy, so I stopped at a nearby bench in order to get him out of the stroller.

She gave a quiet gasp when she recognized the child's thick black hair. It was impossible not to make the connection.

"Ryuzaki had a child? We separated a baby from his father? Oh no, what have I done?!" I could hear her question herself.

I asked her what she meant by that, and she told me everything.

She explained that she was the second Kira, and she told me everything from how her parents were murdered and how Kira killed the man when it looked like he would get away with it. She continued with how she obtained Kira's power and how she found the original Kira. She explained how she met my husband, and Kira coming up with the plan to lose his memory after she had been detained. She even told me how he supposedly died.

Misa apologized to me for killing L, and she swore that she would go to the police with everything. She told me that she had only followed Kira in order to prevent children from losing their parents like she lost hers.

She spilled everything to me while we walked into the cemetery and I showed my son Watari's grave and L's empty grave.

After spending a few minutes in the cemetery, we left, and she led me to the police office where I met Aizawa, the man who had walked out on my husband when the officers were forced to choose between the investigation and their jobs.

He listened to Misa throughout her tale, taking notes before standing up and arresting her. The officer offered to put me up in a hotel, but I let him know that I was staying with a friend of mine.

He left just before me to go to my husband's building in order to arrest Light.

Minutes later I was heading to the hotel my husband was staying at.

I smiled as I closed the door to our suite and watched as the detective gently picked up our cooing son, holding him close while pressing a gentle kiss to the baby's head.

L laid (Son's Name) on a baby blanket he had on the floor and we watched him play.

My husband pulled me close and I sighed, content in the fact that my husband was able to return to me.

It wasn't until we laid our baby down for the night that he told me that he was quitting as L.

"I can continue working as Dueneve, but Near and Mello can take over as L and Coil. It's the perfect time for me to quit, since everyone outside who knew that I am L, also believe that I am dead."

I smiled, knowing that he will never have to leave our son and me to go after another criminal if he is no longer L.

I was just happy that we would be together while raising the family we always wanted.

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