Dream Come True

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I knew I was dreaming the moment she appeared. I don't even know if she is real, but she is gorgeous.

The girl has (length/type/color) that seems to glow in the sunlight, making her look like an angel. Her vivid (color) eyes constantly appear to seek me out whenever she shows up.

This time, I was entering a house that was clearly mine. I have pictured this house in several of my dreams.

The nameless girl was sitting on the floor of the living room in front of something I couldn't see. She was wearing a (favorite color) blouse that clung to her curves.

I could hear noises from whatever she had in front over her. She shifted her head to face me, smiling brightly as usual.

She stood up, holding a moving bundle as she walked over to me. She gave me a kiss, and then we both turned to what she was holding, which turned out to be a baby with my raven hair and her eyes. The little one brandished its arms towards me and cooed.

I woke up with a wistful sigh.

This is the reason I don't enjoy sleeping. I always dream of that girl I am obviously in love with, only to wake up in the reality that I don't have a girlfriend or wife.

These dreams have plagued me for as long as I remember. When I was a child, the dreams were of friendship and playing games. Those dreams usually involved some sort of imaginary adventure where we'd find hidden treasure or explore lost worlds.

As I got older, the dreams began to lose the childlike innocence and become more adult themed.

The explorations of the imagination became the exploration of evolving feelings. Friendship became romance as we got older and became the people we were meant to be.

Eventually, even the passionate relationship changed from dating teenagers to married adults, ready to start a family of our own.

It was something I desired, ever since the first family-oriented dream.

Prior to that I never really felt comfortable with the idea of a family. However, this nameless girl has revealed to me how wonderful it could be.

The idea that there is someone out there that could be capable of loving me, is difficult for me to fathom.

On one hand, to be loved by someone would be an extraordinary feeling.

To have something to look forward to at the end of each long day. To have a lover who would celebrate my victories with me or cuddle me when work becomes too overwhelming. I think I could grow to enjoy that.

On the other hand, what if this girl doesn't even exist? Does that mean I am unworthy of that kind of love?

What if she does exist, and we meet and she doesn't like me?

Are these dreams setting me up for even more pain and heartbreak?

With these thoughts running through my mind, I find myself unable to focus on the case.

I've only just arrived in Japan for the Kira Case, but I already need a break.

After leaving a note for Watari, I left the hotel to wander the streets. Perhaps I could find a good bakery. I find myself in the mood for a shortcake this morning.

My mind continued thinking about the girl. I don't even know her name, but I feel like I know so much about her from these dreams, and she knew so much about me.

Some of these dreams were devoted to talking about of lives, our hobbies. What we enjoyed or detested. Our jobs.

Since the dreams began, I had learned that she was a shy girl, who had been mocked a lot as a child. She had moved from home to home as a foster child, dreading the idea of making friends she would end up losing between moves.

I knew that she loved to bake sweet things. My dreams tend to start with her presenting me her newest creations straight from the kitchen.

Some of my dreams even involved baking together. The finished products looked so good that I'd try producing them in real life following the steps used in the dream. Everything comes out perfectly.

Her favorite of these snacks had been a delicious strawberry shortcake recipe that has since become my favorite.

Eating it makes me think of her.

I also know that she loves to watch anime, and cuddle under a blanket, due to how frequently I did these things with her in my dreams.

She is very intelligent, and I have, at times conversed with her on some of the cases I've worked on. She would listen, then she would either point out a piece of evidence I had overlooked or give me a fresh way of looking over the evidence I've analyzed. In the dream she is a profiler. She would take the evidence given to her and make a profile on the type of person I am looking for. Whether the suspect is displaying behavioral signs of being male or female, as well as a possible motive behind the criminals actions.

I'd look for her opinion on why a suspect is behaving a certain way, and she'd provide a profile of the criminal to me.

These dreams are what leads to many of my cases being solved, because she is always correct in her suggestions.

When I had asked her in one of the dreams how she achieves that, she explains that she had become very observant of the people around her, in an attempt to predict when she would be relocated.

She would also credit the changes in location as providing to her the opportunity to observe a broader range of people. As people from diverse backgrounds tend to think and behave differently.

People who lived in large, populated cities would behave differently than people who live in small towns.

I wondered what kind of assistance she could provide if I'm offered the opportunity to discuss this case with her.

I had only been walking for 15 minutes when I experienced the sudden urge to cross the street.

Considering I haven't been to Tokyo before, I don't really know where anything is, so I'm not really going in a specified direction.

However, it feels as though something is luring me into a specific direction. I couldn't stop myself if I tried. It was as though my feet possessed minds of their own.

I looked up, wondering what would be making me walk in this direction.

What I saw caused me wonder if I was still asleep.

Only a few meters in front of me stood the girl I had been thinking about.

She was wearing a (favorite color) t-shirt and jeans. Her hair was pulled back today, allowing me the chance to look into her eyes.

We both stopped and stared at each for a few minutes. She began walking towards me, her (color) eyes never leaving mine.

Without missing a beat, she pulled me into her arms, hugging me tightly, as if trying to make sure I'm real. We pulled away slightly.

She gifted me with the irresistible smile that I have exclusively seen when asleep.

"I've been dreaming of you."

"As I have been dreaming of you." I replied with my own smile. "I'm Ryuzaki, by the way."

She introduced herself as (Alias). She asked if I was in a rush, before suggesting that we go to her favorite bakery.

I told her that I had arrived recently and was looking for a good bakery and that I wasn't in a hurry.

We were escorted to a private room, where we ate some cake and drank some coffee while talking about our shared dreams.

She asked me if I was in fact a detective, and if I was here for a case. I told her that everything I told her in our dreams was true, and she had confirmed the honesty of everything I knew about her.

I informed her that I was here for a case and she deduced that I am in fact L, and she confirmed that she had been in contact with Watari to assist me in the investigation.

We talked for a while, before I decided to escort her to the hotel I was staying at. I introduced her to Watari, and we got to work.

She was the first to observe the pattern Kira had set that led to my belief that Kira was someone close to the police.

With the assistance of the US and their FBI, we were able to compile an extensive list of the officers working on the case and their family.

She went over all of the files, while I talked to the taskforce and looked over the reports files Watari would send.

I was the one to discover that Kira was a student, and I asked (Alias) to focus on those people.

While that did cut out some of the officers, and their families, there was still a long list of suspects.

That changed when the FBI agents were killed.

Most of the officers walked out on the case, so I decided to have the rest of them meet with us.

It didn't take long for us to determine that Penber had been in contact with Kira, as he was the only unusual death.

I told the men of my suspicions on the Yagami family and Kitamura family. It was agreed the we would install cameras and wiretaps.

(Alias) took care of the Yagami house while Watari went to the Kitamuras.

It only took us two days to see Light talking to himself about killing criminals and assassinating me. He watched the news and almost every high crime criminal was killed.

We possessed enough evidence to inspect the teens' room, where we found the Death Note.

Weapon in hand, we apprehended the college student and solved the case.

I feared that the case may have taken longer had I not found (Alias) when I did.

I will be forever grateful to my girlfriend and shall spend the rest of our lives showing her this.

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