Freaking Out

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Prompt: The young girl was maybe 5 or 6 but there was something about her that chilled you to the bone

I keep seeing her everywhere.

I don't know how she got here, or why, but it was starting to freak me out. I also don't know why she seems so familiar to me, like I should know her.

It isn't what the six-year-old girl is doing or saying. In fact, she isn't doing or saying anything.

All she seems to do is watch me when I pass her by.

The problem for me is that she shows up at the most random times, and that no one else can see her.

Like now, for example.

I am sitting at my desk in the office my boyfriend, L and I share here at our brand-new taskforce Headquarters, finished ahead of schedule.

Yes, we are currently on the Kira Case. That is part of the reason why the girl is freaking me out.

She is just sitting on the couch in the corner of the room, watching me work.

She has been visiting me at random times for three weeks now.

I guess it began when L brought Light on to help with the Second Kira.

I had been sitting on the couch going over my notes on the tapes when the college student arrived. I looked up and introduced myself by my alias when he glanced my way.

I know that he knew that I wasn't an officer, and he would be smart enough to figure out that I am close to L.

The next time I had looked up was when I was listening to my boyfriend read the message Light wrote.

That was when I saw the girl for the first time. Staring right at me, with a curious expression on her face.

It was as if she had no idea why she was here, or why she was seeing me.

I realized that I was the only person who could see her when the the guys just walked past her like she didn't exist.

I look up from my thoughts when L left the room, and not for the first time, I was glad there wasn't any cameras or wiretaps in our office. I turn towards the quiet girl.

"Why are you here?" I ask the six year old.

"I have a message." Was her reply. I was surprised, I 

hadn't actually expected a reply from her.

"A message for me." She nods, but the conversation ends there when my boyfriend comes back in.

"We're out of cake." He tells me.

I offer to buy him some cake from his favorite shop since Watari is out right now, getting some more supplies. He nods, and I walk over to him.

"I'll be back soon. Love you." I lean down to reach his crouched form, and gave him a kiss.

"I love you too." He replied. I left the office, the little girl following me out.

"Don't go." Was all she said.

I glance behind me, only to notice that the little girl was gone. I shake my head, removing the strangely familiar child from my mind as I stepped outside, my umbrella in my hand as it begins to rain.

Normally I would drive in this weather, not liking the idea of getting soaked by cold rain, but the cake shop is just down the road, so there isn't any point.

I was halfway to the cake shop when I heard the screeching of an out of control car. I didn't have time to dodge, and as the headlights of the car blinded me, I suddenly realized why the girl was so familiar.

(L's pov)

I sighed as I stood out in the rain. My tears falling unchecked as the rain poured. It was soaking my clothes, but I wasn't bothered by it. I was depressed.

It's been almost six months since she died.

I wish I had not sent her out in the rain that day. I could have called Watari, or I could have went with her. If I did, I could have pulled her out of the way of the car.

"It's almost over." I heard from behind me. It was the 6-year-old version of me.

I have been seeing him for the past few weeks now. It's very distracting. Like the bells I'm now hearing.

'Did she hear bells too?' I couldn't help but think.

I looked up when I noticed Light. It takes everything I have not to glare at the boy I know is Kira.

'You might've won this battle Light Yagami, but you will not win the war.' I think as we talk before going inside.

The men are not happy with me, though I don't really care anymore. I explain that we are close to solving the case, and everyone who has been Kira will be arrested.

Suddenly the lights go out, and the monitors all glow a forboding red. Watari has been killed by the now missing Shinigami.

I don't have time to think about what this means as I see my younger self once again, though this time he isn't alone.

There is a six-year-old girl standing beside him now. It was a young (First Name), giving young Lawliet a hug.

She turned to me and gave me a small, sad smile.

Somehow, the smile made me feel better about my fate.

Which is why I wasn't bothered when I felt the pain in my chest, and ended up in Light's arms. He smiled as he watched me die, and I knew that I was right all along.

My eyes closed as I exhaled for the last time.

The next time I opened my eyes; it wasn't to face Kira's triumphant smile, or to the sight of the red monitors.

Instead, it was to the beautiful smile and voice of the woman I love.

I was finally whole once again as I felt her warm hand take mine.

Tears of happiness fell from our eyes as we held each other close, for the first time since that terrible day in May.

She led me to the light, and I knew that I would never have to be alone ever again.

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