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It wasn't hard for you to notice how unhealthy L seemed to be. It was obvious, with his love of coffee and only sweet foods, that the man was lacking a lot of key vitamins and minerals.

You seemed to be the only person concerned with his health. The taskforce didn't like L much, so their only concern was him leading the case.

However, everyone knew that you were a caring person and you always went out of your way to help someone in need.

So, one day as you left the hotel, you tracked down Watari, who explained how he tried in the past to give L vitamins, but the genius had always noticed them and refused to take them, even when added to food.

You went to the store, trying to figure out how to get him to take some vitamins, when you found your answer.

In the health aisle, you found men's vitamins that looked like gummy candy.

You could remember taking gummy vitamins as a kid, and you enjoyed taking them because they tasted just like normal gummy candy.

You knew that the detective liked gummy candy, so you grabbed a bottle of the vitamins, and a bag of gummy candy that looked very similar the vitamins.

You finished your shopping and went back to the hotel to put the plan into action.

You handed Watari the bag of gummies and the gummy vitamins, and explained that he should put two of the vitamins with the bowl of candy.

L ate the entire bowl, including the vitamins Watari had snuck in.

It didn't take too long for the vitamins to kick in. L slowly became more alert, and began noticing small details, like he did when the taskforce was watching the Penber tapes.

He had the taskforce bring out older evidence to go over once again, starting with the Penber stuff.

He had you look over Penber papers; the notes the man had taken while he was in Japan. He had taken meticulous notes, even on events that didn't seem important. He made notes of dates and times for each event he witnessed while on the job, including when he began and ended each day.

That was when you noticed something odd occurring the last day he was following Light Yagami.

You turned to the detective and asked if he had made any notes or had a tape of their first meeting. He gave you an odd look, but led you to a separate hotel room which held the evidence from the early days of the investigation.

Starting from the first meeting between L and the taskforce, you worked your way backwards, taking notes on anything that felt important in order to gleam worthwhile information.

You took the probable timeline L had given the taskforce when he was talking about the deaths of the FBI agents and matched it with the dates Penber gave.

You also took note of the fact that his fiancee, Naomi Misora went missing shortly after his death.

You gathered what you felt was all of the relevant information, and handed L your work.

You had remembered that L had been talking about the likelihood of Kira having been followed between a specific set of dates. By Dec. 19th, Kira knows of the FBI involvement, that was the day he killed the six inmates as an experiment.

What got you thinking however, was the notes Penber had taken the next day; December 20th. The day he was on the bus to Spaceland. A bus that had been hijacked by a petty criminal that had failed to rob a bank prior to his attempt on the bus.

A criminal that had died immediately after he had a hallucination and jumped off the bus.

A death that had nothing to do with a heart attack.

This new information led L to looking at other criminal deaths during the course of the investigation.

L used this new information to gain access to the teen's bedroom, where his wallet had been discovered. Inside the wallet was a piece of paper incriminating Light Yagami in the disappearance and likely suicide of Naomi Misora, dated January 1st.

Touching this paper led to the discovery of Light's Shinigami and the Death Note.

The case was finally solved thanks to you and some gummy vitamins.

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