My New Desire

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(L's pov)

It's late at night as I sit here staring at the screens in front of me, showing the sleeping Yagami family.

I have never seen anything like that before. I've never seen parents and siblings that actually seem to care about one another.

It had been one thing to listen to the mother as she called the teens downstairs to dinner, but it was something new to me to hear her praise her son on his high test scores and offer him snacks as he is studying in his room.

It was equally strange to watch Light Yagami help his younger sister with her homework.

Do siblings really act like that? Do older siblings normally look out for the younger, and help them, or is this a ploy?

The sister doesn't seem to think it unusual to get help from Light, and the mother doesn't question it when she brought some apples to his room.

Is this what my mother would have been like? It this a scene I would have been part of if I had a family?

Would I ever get to have this? To be part of such a loving and happy scene?

I glanced over at the older man beside me.

Chief Yagami had fallen asleep a couple of hours ago, shortly after his son quit studying for the night.

It was obvious that he loved his family, with how adamant he was that Kira was not in his family. When he was telling me earlier about his son studying for the entrance exams at To Oh, I could hear the underlying tone of pride in his tired voice.

It made me think of my parents who had been murdered when I was very young, too young to have been able to remember them.

Would my parents have been proud of my accomplishments as I grew up? Would they be proud of me now that I am the World's Greatest Detective? Would I have even become a detective or would I have chosen a different career?

Watari is the closest thing to a father that I have ever had. He was the one who found me and raised me.

I could tell that he is been proud of my success as a detective, even though he doesn't say it.

I turn my focus back on the sleeping family. I have a feeling that Light Yagami is Kira.

He is just as smart as I am, and he is obviously a hard worker. He has the drive to get things done, just like I do.

But he is too perfect. The perfect son, the perfect student. Well-dressed and perfect hair.

Nobody is that perfect. It has to be an image. Something to make people judge him as a good and just guy.

Anyone looking and behaving that perfect all the time has to be hiding something.

Now, how do I get him to reveal this secret?

I'm distracted once again at the sound of something being placed in front of me.

I look up to see (First Name) sitting down a bowl of sugar cubes and a hot cup of coffee.

She always makes the best coffee. I had noticed this a couple of weeks ago when it was her turn to make it for the taskforce.

It was very early in the morning, and most of the men had either gone home for the night or went to sleep in one of the many hotel rooms I had booked to keep people from coming to close to the suite I was in.

I came in for a cup as she was filling her own mug with some sort of flavored coffee.

She was still in her night clothes, a simple light blue t-shirt and black sleeping pants, her (hair length/color) messed up from sleep.

She had greeted me while adding creamer, as I got my cup.

I had thought she looked cute having just gotten out of bed.

Someone's appearance is not something I generally think about unless its a suspect or someone looking suspicious, but I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was.

Ever since then I had noticed everything about her, from her bright smile when she greets me, to her bubbly laugh. How she tends to wear (favorite color) shirts and nail polish.

"I know how much you like my coffee Ryuzaki so I thought you might appreciate a cup." She stated quietly so as not to wake up the chief.

"Thank you (First Name)." I replied. She smiled with a light giggle that made my heart flutter, what a strange but not unpleasant feeling.

"Your welcome Ryu."

I watched as she walked away and I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have a family with her.

What kind of mother would she be? Most likely a kind and caring mother, since she is naturally like this.

What would our children be like if we ever had them?

I could imagine a little girl with my wild black hair and her bright (color) eyes sitting at a kitchen table eating a slice of strawberry cake with me as (First Name) walks in holding a blue bundle with a mop of (color) hair.

I smiled at the thought. Perhaps I might be able to work up the courage to tell (First Name) about my secret desires.

Because I now have a new secret desire.

The desire to be with (First Name) (Last Name).

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