Mystical Children part 1

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(Your pov)

Mystical Children are real. Normal humans believe they are old legends, which is good because otherwise they would hunt us down and either kill us or use us for their own purposes.

We are born with our powers, but it's not obvious we are a few years old. A Mystical Child has two forms, our human form and out true form. Our true form doesn't change a whole lot from our human form except for our eyes, ears, hair, and tattoos. Our ears become pointy and we get glowing eyes and markings on our skin that glow our elemental color. Our hair gets streaks of the same color. Some Mysticals have other features relating to their power.

Each Mystical has power over a specific element, and you can see the supernatural creatures whom are part of your elemental realm. I am known as the Princess of the Waves, and I can see mermaids. My color is blue, and my markings look like waves. I also get a coral tiara with real pearls.

Few of us even exist now, as compared to what once was. Fighting has diminished our numbers.

It has been a long time sense I've sensed another Mystical. The last time being my older brother, an Earth Mystical. He had died protecting me from our parents, who had tried to kill us since we wouldn't allow ourselves to be used by those meant to love and protect us.

Now, I'm working on the Kira Case, and tonight we are meeting L face to face. I'm standing in front of the door of L's suite, with my overnight bag slung to my back. I've taken to keeping a few bottles of water and extra clothes for all-nighters. I nodded to the five men as we waited for midnight.

The tingling sensation of a nearby Mystical had begun as a low vibration in my spine when I first entered the hotel and has only intensified the closer to this door I had gotten.

Is L the Mystical I am sensing? If it's true, then I am in for a very interesting meeting.

Chief Yagami knocks and we hear his unfiltered voice for the first time, asking us to let ourselves in.

L stands in front of us, in a plain white long sleeved shirt and jeans. His jet-black hair is messy, and he has dark eye bags underneath his dark eyes.

I listened half-heartedly as my co-workers introduced themselves as I looked him over. L is definitely a Mystical, but I couldn't figure out what he is.

He is unlike anything I had ever seen.

The meeting was certainly interesting, as we listened to L's thoughts on the case, and I had to agree with many of his points.

I had to suppress a grin when he told us that he was going to question each of us to make sure we aren't connected to Kira. This will give me a chance to see what kind of Mystical he is.

I wait as one by one, the men went into, and left, the other room, until he motioned for me. I was the only one left.

He paused as I entered the room, his dark eyes widening as he realized that it was me he had been sensing this whole time.

He asked me questions as he searched my bag, mostly on the case.

We talked about our thoughts on this case. I told him that I had first wondered if Kira could've been a Mystical gone rogue, but I had discarded the possibility due to the likelihood of him being new to power. L agreed that it was unlikely that Kira was using Mystical powers to kill, though that isn't to say that he's not a Mystical.

"Mystical Children are born with their power which grows as they do. You don't just gain your power overnight, like Kira seemingly has." He confirmed what I already knew from my brother.

We spent a few hours theorizing, the only ones in the case who knew of the likely situation. We are the only ones investigating that know about the existence of humans with elemental powers.

I learned that L is a powerful Shadow Mystical, gaining the title Prince of Shadows, and I tell him of my own title.

We revealed our true selves to each other. He went first. I noticed that his hair and eyes didn't change, already looking rather shadowy, however he did have black markings curling around his body and even the shadows in the room seem to react to his magic, much like water does with me.

The shadows seem to caress him almost lovingly, just waiting for his command.

I led him into the bathroom for my form, filling the bathtub halfway with water before releasing my magic. 

He looked on with in excitement as the water flowed over my legs and arms, without even standing in the tub.

When the show was over, we agreed to stick together in this investigation.

Since it was late, L offered me one of the suites he had paid for. I thanked him, not wanting to have to drive all the way home. I live halfway across town, and I wouldn't get much sleep if I wanted to be on time today.

This case will certainly be interesting.

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