The Quiet Life

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I was sitting on the couch in the living room of the suite I have been staying the past few months, thinking about how quickly my life has changed from what it was just a few months ago, though it feels like a lifetime ago.

Let me start at the beginning. 

My name is (First Name) (Last Name), and ever since I finally left my parents home I decided that I wanted a normal, peaceful life.

No constant moving, no way of knowing what was going to happen next or where we would end up.

My parents were always getting in trouble with the law. We would constantly change towns and identities like you would change shirts.

My parents were finally caught when I was 11, and I was sent to a foster home. 

It was the first time that I had understood what a normal schedule was and I loved it.

When I grew up, I went to a good college and eventually got a job at in a large company.

Now my schedule is the same every single day. I get up, go to work where I write up and file important documents, go home to cook my dinner and relax before going to bed. Then I start it over the next day.

I refuse every possible promotion that comes my way because I enjoy the simplicity of a good schedule. I  know exactly when certain things, like a budget meeting or meeting a client, will happen and it remains the same. No surprises.

At least until a seemingly normal day in June.

It all started when my boss came to my office. He told me that there was a very important client that wanted to see me, and he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

I was expected to show up for a dinner meeting at a prestigious restaurant on the other side of town from where I live.

I had to leave work early in order to be ready for the meeting, since I needed something I could wear at such a place.

I ended up having to deal with a snobby woman at the boutique I went to in order to find the outfit I needed.

Then I got home to find that I had less time than I had expected so I had to rush through getting ready.

When I finally made it to the restaurant, I found our that the client I was supposed to meet was my biological father.

How he could have been the 'important client', I'll never know, but as I was asked by my boss, I met with the man that made me hate my childhood.

It was another con, of course. This time he wanted my help in infiltrating my company, so he could take it over to become rich.

I denied his request to dinner and left the restaurant, displeased at the fact that I had to deal with my father when I had finally gotten my life to be where I want it to be.

I drove home in a bad mood, but my day wasn't over yet.

I had only been in that restaurant with my father for half an hour, and spend about another 45 minutes stuck in traffic, yet my power was out when I got home. I wasn't in the mood to deal with it, so I chose to just sit in the dark, since it matched my mood.

So, I sat in my favorite chair, reflecting on the disruptive day I've had, only to notice movement out of the corner of my eye before I felt something hard hit me in the back of the head.

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