Time Machine part 1

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I was sitting with my boyfriend of two weeks on my floor, which was one of only three floors that had no cameras or wiretaps, the other two being his floor and the secret underground basement which was my main work floor.

The Kira Case was at a standstill. We have found a notebook, and the task force isn't aware of it yet. Only L and I know we have it, and where it is. 

We are the only ones who still suspect Light and Misa. In fact we know there are the two Kiras. We just don't have any real proof.

Right now L was asking me about my unique research. I am a Wammys kid who became a scientist. I specialize in how past events affect the present. I mostly research on what is known as the Many Worlds theory.

"The way I imagine it, I visualize a person walking down a path and they come to a fork in the road. The split paths symbolize a life changing choice, like if you have to choose between two careers. Each path would be your life depending on the choice you make here. For example, I could choose between being a scientist or a detective. You could tell what I chose in this world. But what if there was another world where I chose to become a detective?"

"So how many worlds would there be with Light Yagami? Where would the split in the road be?" He asked.

"I imagine that the fork will be when Light found the notebook. Three ultimate paths . The simplest path was if he decided to ignore the notebook. He wouldn't have become Kira; he would've been a normal college student and eventually become a detective, what he had been planning before becoming Kira."

"I take it that the other two choices occur after he decides to take the notebook?"

"Yes. Just picture three Lights. The first goes by himself down the first path, he is the good Light who ignores the notebook. The other two pick the Death Note up, going down the other path. Those two come across a new fork in the road. One leads to killing criminals, the road our Light took. The other gets rid of the notebook, thinking it's some sick prank that isn't worth his time."

I turn my focus to my research.

"I believe I have pinpointed the time where Light found the notebook. I believe he had first noticed it during his last high school class on November the 28th. I say the last class because its location would be fresh in his mind and it would be unlikely to have been picked up by someone else. I say the 28th of November because that was the day he killed his first person. Kurou Otoharada, the man who was killed while holding kids and teachers hostage at a day care center. He wouldn't have waited to test it."

"I agree. So what do we do with this information?" L asked me.

"I have been working in the secret basement to create a small time machine that could take us back in time to change things if we need to. However, this should only be a last-ditch effort in the possibility of a Kira Armageddon."


"Besides the obvious issues of there being two of each of us in the world and the fact that changing something like this can have unforeseen consequences we cannot account for, there is the possibility of becoming permanently trapped in a time warp. Or either the time machine explodes with us inside or it creates a black hole that we end up being sucked into. There is also the possibility of a malfunction leaving us stranded in a different time period from where we wanted to go with the possibility of not being able to fix the time machine."

"I see."

"I have tested it with time jumps going between a few days to a month of so. The tests were successful but I have no way of testing past the date we first moved into our building."

He nodded, as he looked over everything I wrote on my tests, including the results from my experiments. I explained that both versions of me wrote of their experiences before (test me), during (both of me), and after (merged me)


It was time. It took us nearly a year to find the other Death Note, but we were unable to stop Light Yagami from grabbing it from my boyfriend.

Now, after another six months the worst happened. Light had gone crazy and sent pieces of the notebook to the craziest of Kira worshippers, and the entire country was in turmoil.

The large group of Kiras had not stopped at killing criminals. Once the prisons were depleted of inmates, they begin killing off anyone who was pro L, or people who feared the original Kira.

Nearly half of the world's population had been killed Japan has the biggest death toll of all.

Food and other supplies was fast becoming scarce and  we had already run out of electricity in our large building. Our main power has been cut, and we were holding off on using our backup generators because the Kira worshippers will use the sudden surge to locate and kill us.

Right now the only people left in headquarters is me and L. Mogi and Mr. Yagami were killed in battle against the worshippers early on. Aizawa got hit with some sort of poison gas that made him ill. He succumbed a week later.

Matsuda went out scavenging for supplies and never returned.

"We have to go now, L. It won't be too much longer before Light and Misa come after us."

"I know (Alias). I want to make sure I have everything. Are we going straight to Light Yagami's high school?"

"Yes, but that isn't the only jump we need to make before going home. We also need to stop Misa Amane from getting her Death Note."

"How? We don't know when she found it." The detective asked, tilting his head.

"Actually, I don't think she found it at all . I think it was given to her. I've seen how that Shinigami acted around her, and I heard it mention a Shinigami that had owned her notebook had died saving her life. Misa told me about how she was walking home late at night when she was nearly killed by an obsessed fan. He was in love with her and was going to kill her so that no one else could have her. He died of a sudden heart attack, right in front of her."

 "Do you know when and where?"

"When? Yes. Where? Kind of, I know where she was 

leaving and I know the path she used to get home because she was able to describe the route in great detail. I also know that it was between two specific points, not far from her house."

"You think that by stopping him from attacking her, we can possibly stop her from getting the notebook?"

"It can't hurt. The Shinigami told Misa that she was supposed to die that day. The two Shinigami were watching because they wanted to know how she would die. The fact that her death was going to be so brutal was why he stopped it. I don't like the idea that Misa will die, but that is the natural end of her lifespan."

We grabbed our bags, his bag filled with handwritten information on the Death Note, the existence of Shinigami and all of the information he had on how the Death Note worked. He also had a pair of binoculars in his bag, just for this trip.

My bag held all of my research, the blueprints of my time machine, the results of all my testing. Every tiny detail regarding my theories on time and the Many Worlds theory, and theories on how changes in time works.

We both prepared the back up generators, making sure We had enough power for the two time jumps.

We both stepped into the time machine.

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