Bunk beds

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Prompt: You and L are the reason why there aren't any bunk beds at Wammys House.

It was a rainy day outside Wammys House and there were four geniuses hanging out in one of the bedrooms, looking for something to do.

The young geniuses were known as A and B, age 7, and (Alias) and L, age 10. They were sitting between two bunk beds that were only a meter apart.

"What should we do?"

"We can go see if Mr. Wammy has any cases we can work on." L says, because we haven't thought of anything else.

"We've been working hard for three weeks. We deserve a break." (Alias) replies, with a nod from B and a grateful look from A.

They look up when they saw a shadow. It was Mr. Wammy, asking to speak to L.

(Alias's pov)

I watched as my best friend left with the older man, curious about what he wanted with the dark-haired boy.

I looked around to see if there was anything we can use. There was a long container with a dark blue lid. I looked up at the too bunks, measuring with my eyes.

"Do you boys think we can use the lid to that container to create a bridge between the bunk beds?" I asked. B nodded with a grin and grabbed the lid as A and I climbed up to the top bunk on the closest to the door. A reached over the rails as B lifted the lid to him, before climbed up the other bunk bed.

A and I fed one end of the lid to B between the bars of the railing.

"Now what?" A asked. I shrugged . I had only been curious if it was possible. I hadn't thought of what to do after trying it. B grinned.

"(Alias), I dare you to cross the lid like a bridge." He dared. I glanced between the red eyes boy and the lid, unsure.

"You can't be serious B! L will kill us if something happened to her!" A exclaimed.

"Do you boys think I can't take care of myself? Because I can!" I growled at the boys.

"What do you say (Alias)? Are you going to prove yourself? Or are you too scared?" B goaded. I glared at him.

"I'm not scared of anything!" I told him and I climbed onto the lid.

I barely made it halfway across.

(L's pov)

I was sitting in Mr. Wammys office as he told me how my work on our latest personal project, a case we had to solve on our own, went.

I was proud of myself when he told me that the murderer was caught, and that his latest target was found in his hideout, injured and frightened, but alive.

We were just leaving his office when we heard a loud thud coming from right above us. The noise came from the room where (Alias), A and B was in. I ran up the stairs, fear blanking my mind. That noise sounded like a body hitting the floor.

The question is who was it and what happened?

Mr. Wammy pulled the door open and I ran in, but stopped just inside the door, staring at the scene in horror.

On the floor between the bunk beds was (Alias), sprawled face down on the floor.

Mr. Wammy rushed to my best friend, checking to make sure she was still alive. The younger boys stared at my friend in shock. B looked guilty, and A was quiet.

"I dared her to do it." Was all I heard B day as we all turned back at the girl when we heard a groan.

She lifted her head off the floor and muttered that she was never going to try to use a lid as a bridge.

Mr. Wammy asked (Alias) how she was feeling. She admitted to being sore, but she wasn't dizzy or in any pain other than the soreness. She was at least lucky that she hasn't broke any bones.

Mr. Wammy helped her stand up and led her to the nurse's office. She wasn't injured, just a bit bruised from the fall.

(Time skip)

It was another stormy day, two weeks after the lid incident. Alias was back to normal, and the four of us were once again bored.

It was originally decided to make a fort, but there weren't enough blankets in our rooms. So I decided to make a hammock instead.

I tied my fluffy blanket on the railing of the nearest bunk bed and I climbed in.

It was so warm and comfy that I found myself becoming drowsy for the first time in a long while. The buzz of the conversation between my friends lulled me to sleep.

(Alias's pov)

I laughed quietly at the soft snores coming from L. I was glad that he was getting some sleep, because he's been up for over a month.

I turned back to the game of go fish I was playing with the boys.

We were halfway though a game when I heard an ominous noise from behind me.

I turned in time to see L's hammock move and for the thick wooden railing to snap, crashing on top of the unsuspecting boy.

I jumped up, rushing to the pile where my best friend was buried, trying to get the heavy chunk of wood off the blanket.

B ran out of the room to get Mr. Wammy while A helped me in my attempt to rescue L.

We had just gotten the railing off when B returned with the owner of the orphanage. Together we were able to get the startled L out from under his blanket, and check him for injuries.

He had a cut on his wrist and a small bruise on his forehead, but was otherwise unharmed.

Needless to say, we no longer have bunk beds in the orphanage.

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