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I had to get help. I had to get to L.

That was the only thought I could muster as I forced myself to wander through the nearly nonexistent streets.

Normally I would say that it would be a bad idea to be out in this kind of storm, but this isn't a normal situation. I didn't have much of a choice though, I had to escape.

I tightened my hold on my heavy winter coat as I continued on through the blinding snow, which was falling so heavily that I couldn't see an inch in front of me.

I could only hope to reach my best friend, and secret crush, before I succumb to the below freezing temperatures.

He lives less than a mile away from me, which isn't usually hard for me to walk, but today, the weather and pain made it so much harder.


My mother was in a very bad mood today. I wished that I could have been at work right now, and be with L as we worked together on a difficult case.

Yesterday was my younger brother's birthday so L gave me the day off to celebrate with my family, since we were pretty much at the end of the case.

I was supposed to return today but Watari called me and told me to stay at my mother's because he didn't feel comfortable with me trying to walk to L's current safehouse in this massive snowstorm.

I was in my old bedroom, going through my books to find something to read while staying out of my mother's way when I heard her call for me.

Sighing, I went downstairs and was ordered to go outside to the pharmacy on the corner to get her medicine. We ended up in an argument about the fact that they would be closed due to the weather, which ended up with me being thrown out of the house.

I sat on the cold wet snow for several minutes in a daze because I slipped on some ice when she shoved me outside, so it took me a few minutes to get back inside.

By then I had been blinded by the snow and was therefore unable to see the angered older woman charging at me.

I was shocked back to reality when I felt myself being thrown to the floor before being attacked by a series of hard kicks. The only thing I could do in that moment was curl in on myself in order to protect my head and stomach.

(Flashback end)

That is why I am back out here now, a little over halfway to his house. It was a good thing that I take this trip everyday which means I can find my way even when I can barely see anything in front of me.

It was only the thought of reaching the man I had fallen in love with that kept me going, even if all my body wanted was to stop. My aching legs did not want to move, my limbs frozen, regardless of the multiple layers of clothes I was wearing in order to keep warm.

The wind was harsh, cold and biting as it blew snow in my face, hitting the few small cuts I had gotten on face from my mother before I had been able to shield myself.

I could finally make out, albeit barely, the sign proclaiming that I had made it to L's street. L was only 3 houses down.

I pushed myself into walking down the street, silently counting the sidewalks leading to each house until I found his. I made it onto his porch, but couldn't muster the energy to knock on the door. My knees went out from under me and I fell to the frozen concrete.

The last thing I could do before the approaching blackness could overwhelm me was press the emergency button on the necklace I always wore; the necklace L gave me when we first began working together.

(L's pov)

I was staring blankly at my computer screen, in my upstairs study, my mind elsewhere. The case was practically solved and there were no new cases to take on at the moment.

My mind was on (First name).

I wished she was here today. She is the only person I truly considered my friend. She has not once looked at me like I was weird. She didn't act like the people I see on the few occasions that I am outside. The people who actively avoid me as if they think I'm dangerous, or the people who whisper about my sitting habits to their friends.

She doesn't care about my appearance, nor my sitting or eating habits. She treats me like an actual person rather then the freak most people see me as.

That's why I have fallen in love with her. I'm just afraid to tell her, not wanting things to be awkward between us. I want to be able to keep her around.

"L." Watari's voice brought me to reality. "Miss (Last name) is here. I got a distress signal from her necklace, and found her on the porch." My eyes widened in concern.

"Why was she out in this?"

"It appears that she had been attacked. She has a few small cuts on her face and her arms and legs are covered in dark bruises. I had to remove the top of these layers in order to help her warm up. She also has bruised knees, likely from collapsing on the porch. I put her in the guest bedroom to rest." I nodded and thanked my father figure as I stood up to check on her.

(First name) looks like she is resting peacefully, not appearing to be in pain. Although she is very pale and is shivering slightly.

I paid my hand on her forehead, and shivered at the near icy feel of her skin. I went back to my barely used bedroom, and picked up the warm fluffy blanket that I always use on the few nights I bother trying to sleep.

I covered (First name) up with the warm blanket and crouched down in the chair by the bed, keeping an eye on her as I waited for her to wake up.

(Your pov)

Where am I? I can tell I'm laying down on something soft. So I'm no longer on L's porch.

Did he or Watari find me then?

I opened my eyes. I'm in the guest bedroom.

"(First name), you're awake. How are you feeling? Are you still cold?" I heard from beside me. I turned my head to see L watching me as he crouched on the chair beside the bed. I shook my head.

"No, just sore. What happened?"

"I should be asking you the same thing. Watari got your distress signal and found you by the door. He brought you up here. So what happened?" He asked, worry clear in his gaze. I decided to tell him everything.

L was silent for several minutes, letting everything I told him sink in.

He then turned to me and took my hand in his, and looked into my eyes with a hard look.

"I will never allow you to be harmed like that again, (First Name). A woman as beautiful and kind as you does not deserve that kind of treatment. I will make sure she can never lay another hand on you ever again."

"You don't have to do anything L. I'll be fine as long I'm here with you." I smiled at him.

"She deserves to go to jail for abusing you, and I will make sure she does."

"Why? It's over, I'm safe now."

"It's the right thing to do, not only for you, but to protect anyone else who should come into contact with her. You had somewhere safe to head to, imagine if she had done that to someone else. Someone who didn't have anyone to care about them. What if the attack had been worse, or you had been younger and unable to defend yourself." The detective paused, taking a deep breath before leaning over me and brushing his cool lips against my forehead, causing me to blush.

"I don't like seeing you hurt like this. It pains me that you could have been treated this way. I love you (First Name)."

"I love you to L." I smiled at him and he leaned down again, this time pressing his lips to mine as I reflected on everything that happened today.

It may have started off badly, but I saw this as a new beginning.

The beginning of a truly happy life with the man I love.

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