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(High School AU)

It was just another Monday. I had to keep telling myself that.

The problem was the fact that this was not a typical Monday for me. I would say that it was a bad luck day if I believed in luck.

It began when I somehow slept through my alarm. I had received the alarm clock from my mother.

Every morning, my clock displays a percentage to tell me how eventful my day is going to be, 0% meaning as uneventful as possible or 100% being very eventful.

This morning it flashed 100%.

I always hoped to get a very active day, imagining that I'd run into my soulmate or receive an amazing day. Normally I see either a zero or a ten.

Today being by first 100%, was nothing like I had hoped for.

When I slept through my alarm, I missed the school bus. As a result I had to walk to school in the rain.

Once I arrived at school, I realized that I had forgotten to grab my homework in my rush to not be late. The teacher was in a bad mood and gave me an after school detention.

After that, she handed back our tests that we took last week, so we can write the score on the front page of the notebook that counts for half of our grade.

I had been talking to my friend about my weekend and had written the score or the wrong line. I received another day of detention for it. The teacher claimed I had cheated.

The after school detention teacher is a real jerk and doesn't allow any talking.

Not like there were very many people to talk to anyway. The only other student was a dark-haired boy with a long sleeve white shirt.

We were stuck here for an hour, and I had nothing to do, so I decided to draw. There was only one fascinating subject, the boy who was sitting next to me.

Twenty minutes after the detention began, Mr. Jerko left.

"You're really good." I heard from beside me.

I looked up in surprise. His voice was velvety. I glanced down at my drawing and blushed in embarrassment in being caught.

"Thanks.'' I replied.

"So what are you in here for?" He asked.

"I slept through my alarm clock and rushed out of the house without my homework. After that, I had to write down the score on a test we had taken Friday, and I wrote it down on the line meant for the test we'll take next Wednesday. The teacher said I was cheating on the test." He blinked in surprise.

"She says you cheated on a test, that you won't be taking until next week?"

"Yeah. Don't ask me how that is supposed to work. What about you?"

"My teacher was supposed to be teaching us, but he doesn't know what he's talking about. I had corrected him on several points, and he was unappreciative or my assistance."

"Why do we get saddled with the ignorant teachers?"

"I have no clue. I'm Ryuzaki, by the way."

"(First Name). Nice to meet you Ryuzaki."

We spent the rest of the time talking, and found out that we lived just a couple of streets down from each other, and that we had a lot in common.

We have another after school detention tomorrow as well. I smiled, knowing that I would see him again.

We did have to cease our conversation when Mr. Jerko returned, only five minutes before we were free.

We ended up walking home together, and promised to do it the next day.

After our shared detentions we agreed to meet up each afternoon to walk home. Sometimes we would head straight home, and sometimes we would stop at the local bakery.


It's been five years since the day in detention. I gazed down at the beautiful little girl in her strawberry covered onesie. The three month old infant looked just like her daddy.

That eventful day may not have been what I expected, but it did lead me to where I am now.

I smiled as Ryuzaki entered the room and wrapped his arms around me.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"Ignorant teachers and detention."

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