Journal Part 2

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(L's pov)

It's been a week since the FBI agents died.

It has been a busy week; it began with the call from the director of the FBI telling us that they are no longer investigating. However, he had mailed us everything he had been sent by the  agents before they died. We had set up a P.O. Box at the local post office for everything to be sent to us. We paid for it in cash to protect us from being found.

While talking with the Director, he called chief Yagami, which led to most of the agents leaving the case.

Chief Yagami wanted to meet me at the police station. I was going to have them join us at the hotel, but (First Name) was able to get me to reconsider.

Instead, we went to the police station, after we both put on the trenchcoats and hats like the ones Watari uses in order to protect our identities.

When we arrived, we took off our disguises and introduced ourselves. She gave them her alias, and I told the men to call me Ryuzaki.

We went over the evidence we already have, as well as discuss what we know about the FBI agents deaths.

Right now it's just (First Name) and me in our hotel room, going over the tapes we have of all 12 agents when they died. 

Yeah, all of the agents had died in public places and in front of security cameras, so we had six each to view.

I wasn't finding anything on my tapes, so I let my mind wander back to (First Name).

I simply can't understand what she sees in me, but I'm happy that she wants to be with me, even knowing how strange I am.

She's already helped me more than she can understand. She's helped me relax so I can sleep and has helped me with the stress of my job, just by being there for me.

"Ryuzaki? Can you come in here? I think I have something." I hear her beautiful voice call me from the other room.

I walk over to her and crouched down beside her on the couch. She showed me the tape of Raye Penber getting off the train at the Tokyo station.

"I would say that this is certainly strange behavior for a man having a heart attack. What do you think Ryu?" She asked me.

"Excellent work Sweetheart. I agree, I believe Raye Penber ran into Kira, which means he was the one investigating him."

"I think having more eyes on this evidence will be better. There's so much to go through, even if we just focus on Raye Penber."

"Do you think we should bring them here? Will that be safe?" I asked her.

"We should be alright. None of them are Kira, and besides, we'll be switching hotels in a few days. We will need to keep one or two of them at the station just in case, though."

I had Watari join the men in the morning to bring some of them here. The men who arrived were Matsuda, Aizawa and Chief Yagami.

Matsuda was going over the written reports while Aizawa and (First Name) were checking the tapes we received.

We needed two tapes. The first showed Raye Penber at the gate entering the station in Shinjuku, and the second was the tape of him dying on the platform in Tokyo. It was the second tape that led to us investigating Penber's death in the first place.

Death Note one shots and short storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora