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Prompt: When you find out that you can't have children you decide to adopt.

Warning: mentions of miscarriage.

It was a heartbreaking experience.

You and L had been so excited to find out that you were going to be parents. Neither of you had a true family before. L had told you about his life at the orphanage and how he wished for parents when he was younger, and you had told him of your time as a foster child, moving from home to home with no warning. 

You had been married to the detective for two years before you finally became pregnant. It was during the Kira Case and you were both working with the taskforce.

It had happened right after Misa was released from the building you and L had built.

You were sleeping one night in your and L's bed, when you woke up with chest pains and difficulty breathing. 

L was in the ambulance with you, pleasing to you to stay with him. He was terrified of losing you. It took the doctors several hours to find out what had happened. It turned out that Light had ordered Misa to kill you, in order to force L to back off.

You survived, but you lost the baby, as well as the ability to try again.

While you were still recovering in the hospital, the genius had the two Kiras arrested, proving once and for all that they were the original killers.

Once things settled down, you both decided to adopt, since you still wanted children. L had gotten into contact with Roger, who told him that he'll let you both know if he found any children that were in need of the one on one care that only parents could give.

The call came in three weeks later and you were the one to answer the phone, since L was busy with a new case. L had been giving the local police all of the information they needed in order to catch the new criminal when you entered the monitor room where L was.

It didn't take long for you both to get a flight back to England and get a house set up so the children could get used to being in a healthy environment before possibly heading back to Headquarters.

Natalie and Nate were two year old twins brought in from an abusive home. They were currently in a children's hospital, being treated for everything they had suffered from. It would be another week or two before they would be allowed to leave.

You and L were allowed to visit the children to give them a chance to get to know you.

They were exact opposites in appearance.

Both children had fair skin and thick hair, but that was the extent of physical similarities. Nate's hair was snow white, and he had black eyes, that were similar to the color of L's. Natalie had straight black hair and bright blue eyes.

Then came the day you and L were looking forward to, the day the twins were allowed to leave the hospital and be adopted by you. You had already talked to the doctors a couple of days ago in order to find out if the were anything specific they had observed in the toddlers.

The only thing they suggested was to keep them both together as they both became distressed if they couldn't see each other, so until they both felt safe and comfortable with you, they would require the same bedroom, which wouldn't be an issue until later on anyway.

You thanked the doctor and turned back to watch the twins while they were interacting with the World's Greatest Detective. Or, you should say that Natalie was interacting with him.

Nate was a quiet little boy, merely looking curiously at you and L when you came to pick them up with Roger. Natalie was babbling away happily at L as she lifted her hands up wanting to be held.

You turned to the little boy, asking him softly if he would like for you and L to adopt him and his sister. He looked up at you, and you could almost swear that he was assessing you, determining whether you were sincere in your offer, and what kind of parents you would be.

You smiled as he finally nodded, lifting his hands like his sister had. It was time to take them home.

Roger met you at the house to see how the twins will react to their new home, before having you and L sign the Wammys adoption papers.

The children were both extremely happy with the toys and toddler puzzles in their new bedroom. You both watched them as they played together happily as both talked to Roger and filled out the papers.

"Due to your jobs, you will need to give them both aliases for their safety. Have you decided on a Wammys alias for both of them?"

"We do actually. We've talked about it since we met them a couple of weeks ago." You started, turning to L to finish.

"Nate will be known as Near, and Natalie will be Nova."

"Welcome to Parenthood you two. Congratulations on the new family." Roger smiled as he stood to leave.

We walked back into the twins bedroom, smiling at the happy expressions on the children. They both looked up as we entered the room.

"Daddy play?" Our new daughter asked as she held a stuffed giraffe up. Near watched as L walked over toward his sister and sat down beside her.

I walked over to him and watched him as he was building an impressive fort out of mega blocks.

After a few minutes of building, Near looks up at me.

"Mummy sit."

L looked up at me as we smiled at each other and the happy future for our new family.

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