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(??? Pov)

I had been watching them tiptoe around each other for weeks. The tension between the two was palpable.

I watched as she entered the office L had been working in, probably looking for some piece of evidence.

Now it's time for me to get to work.

(L's pov)

I must look pretty pathetic right now. Our third week in my newly built Taskforce Headquarters, and yet I am hiding in a remote office.

I wanted everyone to work on this case without letting any emotions cloud their judgement. I had meant for this to mean not looking at Light as Chief Yagami's son, but as our prime suspect.

I had never expected other feelings to come into play.

At first it was merely curiosity, wondering why a beautiful young woman like (First Name) chose such a dangerous career.

The curiosity changed to calm companionship as I got to see her kind and friendly nature. She was the only person to ever appear comfortable enough around me. People tend to shy away from me.

These feelings eventually deepened, until her very proximity began to drive me crazy. To the point I was eagerly awaiting for my building to be finished because the hotels never seemed to be spacious enough. I didn't know how much longer I would be able to keep myself from behaving in such an unprofessional manner where she is concerned.

I want to know how it feels to be held in her arms, to feel her lips on mine, our hands in the others hair. I want to tell her my secret, and for her to trust me enough to do the same.

I want to be loved and to learn how to love her.

I curled into myself more as the automatic door opened. I didn't have to turn to know who entered the office I had hidden myself in today. The sweet scent of her strawberry shampoo gave her identity away.

Why did (First Name) have to come in here? Especially with her long (color) hair flowing down her back in gentle waves. I could see her in the small mirror I have on the desk.

She is turned away from me, looking for one of the notebooks in the bookcase behind me. This gives me the opportunity to study the only woman to ever garner my attention outside of female suspects.

(First Name) has her hair held back by a thick black double twist headband to keep it out of her face. She is currently wearing a black bodycon knee dress short black heels. The outfit certainly showed off her curves.

I already know she's beautiful, but this dress just proves that she should be capable of getting any man she would want it she is interested in a boyfriend.

All of a sudden, my computer shut off, as does the ceiling light. The click from the door told me we were stuck in here.


She turned when she heard click, staring at the now locked door. Her eyes move to me before she quickly turns away.

That stung worse than I had expected. Had I failed in reigning in my feelings? When had the crush become more?

"Hey Ryuzaki?" I heard her quiet voice from the other side of the room where she had curled up against the wall.

"Yes (First Name)?"

"Why do you seem to hate me? Did I do something to to upset you?" She asked. Her head was down, so I couldn't see her face.


"No. Why would you think that I hate you?"

"You don't talk to me anymore. You don't look at me or acknowledge me. Whenever I enter a room you're already in, or you enter a room I'm in you either leave or ignore me."

I was surprised. I had been avoiding her because I didn't want her to find out that I had a crush on her. However I could not allow her to believe I hate her.

"I could never never hate you, (First Name). Truthfully, I have fallen in love with you. My feelings for you are not appropriate for coworkers, especially during a case as dangerous as this. I do not want to put you in unnecessary danger from Kira." I explained. She gazed at me for a moment before standing up.

"I knew the danger when I decided to stay on the case when so many others walked out. I knew the danger when I found out about the FBI agents watching us and I decided to continue regardless to the suspicion you had that some of us may had been close to Kira. I knew that meeting you could be dangerous." She began as she walked a little closer, gazing at me softly.

"I don't regret any of these choices. They led me to you. A relationship might be dangerous, but it is a risk I am willing to take if it means that I get to be with you. I love you too, Ryuzaki." She closed the distance between us and pressed her lips against mine.

Her lips are as sweet as the candy I often enjoy. I couldn't help the sudden desire to have her in my arms, so I pulled her closer.

We turned when the door opened, not having noticed that the power was back on. We jumped apart and turned to face a smiling Watari.

"Its about time you two. I wasn't sure if cutting the power would be enough to get you both to confess."

"You cut the power? Why?"

"I know how you felt about Miss (Last Name), and I know that she feels the same way. I won't always be here to help you, and you need someone in your life that you can trust. She is perfect. I know that she will never betray you, and she will do anything she can to protect you and to make you happy. You of all people deserve happiness Ryuzaki. She can give you that."

I glanced at a blushing (First Name) and smiled.

As long as I have her, I can face anything the world can throw at me.

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