Time Machine part 2

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"I just want to say something real quick before you press that button. In case we fail our mission or something goes wrong. (First Name), I just want you to know that meeting you had been the greatest thing to ever happen to me. You have always been there for me, no matter how difficult I can be. You have no idea how much that means to me. I love you so much."

"You have been the greatest thing to happen to me as well. I love you more than you know. Don't worry though, we will succeed and we will have many more years together to show how much we love each other."

I turned to the touchpad and put in the location and time we needed to go to. The screen flashed.

Tuesday,  November 28 2006. The time indicated that we would arrive at the beginning of Light's last class of the day.


I pressed the button just as I heard voices on the floor above us. It was likely a group of Kira worshippers looking for us.

I hit the button and felt the now familiar sensation of slipping into the timeslip. The feeling lasted for a few minutes before I felt the slight jarring sensation of the time machine touching  the ground.

We had waited for a few minutes before I removed the cloth I placed over a small window, looking like the portholes on a ship or submarine. I realized after the first test to have it covered during when using the time machine. I had been looking through it during the first trip and had a major headache afterwards, which caused test me to appear disheveled to the past me.

We looked out the window and instead of finding the basement floor we had just been in, we were surrounded by trees that had all lost their leaves.

"We should hurry if we want to get the Death Note before Light Yagami does." I told the genius beside me. We rushed towards the school as I quietly told him that if I was remembering correctly, Light Yagami would be in his English class. I told him that the classroom was supposed to be facing the inner courtyard, according to the map of the school I was able to acquire under the pretense of sending my kid to the school.

We made it to the empty inner courtyard. We kept ourselves hidden in the shadows of the school building.

L grabbed a pair of binoculars to look around for Light to see if we could find him. We deduced that he would likely have a window seat, where he could see the notebook. L found him on the second floor, and he pointed the teen out to me.

We both watched as suddenly a black notebook fell from the sky. It was the Death Note! It landed right in front of us. I had L keep watch on the would-be killer, waiting for an opening to grab the notebook.

"Now! Light is distracted." My boyfriend told me. I quickly rushed out, snatched the notebook and dashed back to the safety of the shadows.

"It appears the Light was called on by his teacher to read something. He was standing up and staring at his book."

We stayed for a little longer, hidden a little further away than we originally had been, but we were still close enough to watch Light approach the location where the notebook fell.

We heard him mutter that whoever dropped the notebook must have found it, and he walked off.

We smiled at each other and stealthily made our way back to the time machine. This time Misa's stalker from attacking her and making sure that she died a bit more peacefully.


For once I was grateful that Misa was so talkative. I knew exactly how to stop her from getting the Death Note. I told my boyfriend to wait there for me, and then I walked down the path she would take in ten minutes. 

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