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Child L x Child reader

(Your pov)

I was walking to the principal office beside my teacher wondering why grown ups were so weird.

I had just been in my kindergarten class when the teachers announced they would be taking one student into the hallway at a time to show them how well we can count.

I thought it was smart to do this. A grown up can't tell how far a child could count if each child repeated the repeated what the kid before said.

I wanted to do my best when it was my turn. I went out when my name was called, and my teacher asked me to count as high as I could.

So I started counting, just like I would with my grandpa.

I watched as my teacher became surprised by how far I went, until she told me to stop, and I wasn't even half way to the biggest number I knew. 

We entered the main office and I saw another kid about my age, crouching in a chair waiting for the principal to come out.

He had messy black hair, and wore plain long sleeved white shirt and jeans.

I sat beside him as my teacher knocked the door.

"I'm (First Name). What's yours?" I asked.

He turned dark grey eyes forwards me before quietly replying that his name was Ryuzaki.

"So what did you do to end up here? My teacher wanted me to count, but wouldn't let me finish." He asked.

"Same here. Why would they ask us how high we can count but then they stop us before we are done?"

"I don't know. Grown ups are strange." He replied. I giggled and nodded.

I took out a candy bar I had hidden in my pocket, and I saw his eyes light up. I smiled and broke the candy in half, giving him some.

We ate the treat in silence as we waited for something to happen. We didn't have to wait long before the main door opened again, this time revealing two older grown ups.

I jumped out my seat and ran to my grandpa, whose arms opened up for me. The other grown up walked over to Ryuzaki. The principal and the two teachers came out.

"Mr. (Grandfather's last name), and Mr. W. You are here to discuss your children." The principal began, before nodding to my teacher.

She explained how both our kindergarten classes were beginning to learn our numbers and how the teachers needed to know where to start.

Ryuzaki's teacher continued, explaining that we were far ahead of where the rest of our peers are.

Neither man seemed surprised by this, and the the principal stated that she wanted to give us a test to see if we could move into the first grade early.

The men agreed, and we each took the test, which seemed very easy to me.

I handed the test in along with Ryuzaki, and we waited for the teachers to grade them.

The teachers told us we would enter the first grade class together. While there were two classes for each grade level, only one class had any room for us. 

I would be in class with my new friend.

We were let out of school early to allow the teachers to return to their classes, and the principal to tell our new teacher that we were going to be in their class.

I turned to my grandpa when he asked me if I wanted to go to our friend's candy shop.

"Can Ryuzaki come too?" I asked him. My grandpa looked up at Mr. W, who nodded and they followed us to the shop.

I greeted the man and introduced my new friend Ryu.

"Ryu?" The dark haired boy asked, as he sat on the stool to reach the counter where I normally sat.

"You're my friend and saying Ryuzaki all the time is hard. So I'm gonna call you Ryu, unless you don't want me to."

"No, I like it. As long as I can call you (Nickname)." He answered. I smiled.

"I don't mind if you call me that."

Behind us I could hear my grandpa talking to Mr. W.

"Your Granddaughter must be a remarkable young lady. Ryuzaki doesn't make friends very easily."

"Neither does (First Name). She is usually so shy and quiet."

I went back to my conversation with Ryu. 

The last thing I heard from the conversation behind me was one man telling the other that they could see us being friends forever.

I hoped they were right. I really liked hanging out with this boy, and I hope to be friends with him for the rest of my life.

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