Where everything Changes

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She stepped out onto the front porch, taking a deep breath of the crisp fall air.

She smiled, despite the chill. She loved the front porch of her home. It was where her life changed, several times.

This was the home she grew up in, the home she now shares with her husband.

The first time she saw him; she was sitting on this porch. They were 10 years old.

He was a local boy, chasing a cat that jumped over the fence. It was a cool autumn afternoon, and he was wearing a long sleeved white shirt and jeans. The same outfit he always wore, even today.

They had become instant friends, hanging out every day. They would either be at the orphanage he grew up in, or on that very porch. They played, they laughed, and they told each other stories.

The day he asked her out; they were sitting on the porch. It was a hot summer day, and they were drinking sweet lemonade. He had extra sugar in his glass.

Their first date was to the fair that was in town. It was the most relaxed she had seen the young detective by that point. They talked about their plans for the future, and she admitted that her dream was to become a criminal profiler.

"I want to be able to help you catch criminals L." She had told him. He grinned and got her online courses, so she didn't have to leave him.

That night they had their first kiss on that porch too.

Years later, when she had her degree, he asked her to move in with him. She agreed instantly.

They stayed in the orphanage when they were in England, but she often traveled with him.

She stayed in town when he went after Beyond Birthday in L.A. She was visiting her parents, trying not to worry about her boyfriend.

He arrived unannounced, and there was a tearful reunion. When they had calmed down, L got down on his knee and proposed. It was a gorgeous summer day, and the sun shone brightly on L's wild black hair, making the moment even more beautiful to her.

They got married just a couple of weeks before the Kira Case.

The case was a long one, but she stayed by his side to keep both of them alive. Eventually, they were able to arrest Light.

What the brunette boy hadn't known was that L had wiretaps in the room he met with the recently released Misa. They were very sensitive, and they had been able to hear Light's directions.

She had retrieved the Death note before Misa could. Thanks to the letter, L had Misa into protective custody. They had a friend who was a therapist who also knew L's identity. We had her work with Misa so she could realize Light had been manipulating her.

With Misa freed from Kira, there was no reason the Shinigami to kill them.

It told them it would have killed them if Misa was in danger. Since she was freed from Light, and not in danger of being killed for her actions as the second Kira, they were safe.

The Shinigami stayed until Light was arrested, then it visited Misa for a few minutes, just making sure she was safe.

They had been surprised the day they returned to England. As a wedding gift, her parents had left them the house.

"We were already planning to move to a smaller house now that it's just us. We would love for you two to live here, though. Now that you're married, you'll need your own place. This house is perfect. It's close to the orphanage, so you guys can visit the kids there, and this is a good home for a family." Her father had told them.

It was a couple of months later, she wasn't feeling well. She made a doctor's appointment while L was teaching classes at the orphanage. He had wanted a break from cases after the Kira Case. He decided to teach his successors some lessons to help them when they took over his title.

It was a chilly January when she met him on the porch, coming home from teaching the boys.

She announced her pregnancy right there on the porch, and the smile that lit up her husbands face was worth the cold air.

So many big moments in her life took place on this porch, and that was why she loved it so much.

She smiled when his car pulled up. L had finally learned how to drive a car.

Out from the back seat came their five-year-old daughter, excited from her first day of school at the orphanage.

Since she was L's kid, she goes to the orphanage instead of regular school. It was safer for her there. The other kids had a lot of respect for L and her, so their daughter wasn't treated differently for having parents.

"Hello my little strawberry. How was school?" I asked, carefully bending down to hug her.

"School was great! I made a lot of friends Mommy!" She replied, talking a mile a minute about all the kids she met.

She ran inside to start on her homework.

"How are you feeling today my sweet?" L asked me as he pulled me close.

"Better than I was last time. This pregnancy is going a lot smoother." I replied.

"Good." He smiled as we both laid a hand on my 17-week belly. We felt a kick, the first one we've had.

I smiled at my husband who was looking awed as he felt the baby kick against his hand.

Yep, I love this porch.

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