Warp Part 3

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It was January 7th, and I was talking to Naomi and Ryuzaki about the next part of the case, surveillance on Light Yagami.

I had thought long and hard about whether or not I should tell Naomi and Watari about everything Light does to find out if someone had been in his room.

If I don't, things will go as they do in the anime, which I am well familiar with, but nothing happens in the case. Or I could tell them and allow them to sneak into his room to put in the cameras and wiretaps without Light finding out. This will give us extra evidence for later, but could possibly change things later on, in which who knows what could happen.

However, I don't really see how Light being unaware of being watched could change Misa's appearance as the second Kira.

"I've got an update for you Ryuzaki." I stated, causing the man to glance at me, as if he isn't really surprised the I've chosen to speak up.

"I'm assuming this has something to do with the surveillance?" L asked and I nod.

"Kira is in one of the houses we will be watching, but if things go they way it does in the show, he'll figure out that someone has been in his room immediately, and he will become even more cautious. However, I know how he figured it out, so I can warn whoever sets cameras up in his room."

"Why wouldn't you just tell us everything you know? The case could already be solved if you did." Naomi demanded. I shook my head.

"Even if we catch Kira now doesn't mean this case will end. In fact it might not end at all." I began, before taking a sip of my tea.

"When I first came to this world, I told Ryuzaki that while I know what is supposed to happen, my information could become useless if too much is changed too quickly. Due to the fact that I don't want to influence Ryuzaki's  suspicions and theories, I'm not saying who Kira is. I will wait until he tells me who he suspects before confirming it. At the same time, I know that things are far from over. If I tell you arrest everything about Kira now, and we make the too early, things can end badly. I can't say why right now, but it is very important for Kira to continue being at least a little active. If we stop him now, we'll never be able to end this."

"My suspicions are that Light Yagami is Kira. He is the only one in either family that fits our profile of Kira. What can you tell me about him?"

"I can tell you that Light is, in fact Kira. This is why the taskforce will hold you back at first. They will all have roles later that will ultimately lead you to ending this, and yes, that includes Matsuda. His will likely be even more important than anyone else. You'll understand when we get there." I chuckle at Ryuzaki's sceptical look.

"Anyway, Light Yagami has three tests in place; your best bet is to watch out for them and put them back into place when you leave the room. The first is the handle. He always adjusts the handle five millimeters from its horizontal position. The second in a piece of paper he sticks in the door. The last one and most likely one to be over looked, is a piece of mechanical pencil lead. He sits it on the hinge after he closes the door. If he returns and the lead is broken, he'll know someone has been in his room. While Light tells Ryuk that his family his wouldn't notice any of these, it would be better if those are all replaced. His mother is only likely to enter his room for his laundry or trash, so if he finds everything out of place, but his room looks like it did he left he left, it would still tip him off."

"Why don't you go with them to Light's house and open and close the door for them? You already know what to watch for, so you're unlikely to forget any of it." Ryuzaki replied, and I agreed.

"I will also like to put forward my idea on how to prove that Light is acting as Kira during this period." L focuses on me, waiting for me to continue. "I already know that you and Mr. Yagami will be the only people watching his family, while the other men will take turns watching the Kitamuras. My suggestion is  to have a third party to track the criminals he sees on tv or on websites. If most or all of them die after he sees them, we can use that as proof."

"That could definitely help us later, once we are able to make the arrest." Ryuzaki agreed, stating that he'll have me on that.

"Also, watch out for floating apples. Ryuk loves apples from the human world." His eyes widened.

"L, do you know Gods of Death love apples." He mumbled. I giggled.

"Says their juicy. Can't say I blame him. Saw what apples from the Shinigami world look like, very rotten and apparently tastes like sand."

It was ultimately decided that Naomi will place  the surveillance cameras in Light's room while Watari works in the other bedrooms. They will both finish the downstairs while I did Light's door. 

(The next day)

It worked like a charm. Light entered his bedroom and got straight to work turning on the tv to a broadcast showing criminals that had been arrested today. I turned my tv to the same channel and wrote down every criminal shown.

By the time he had turned off the tv and went to bed, Kira had killed off 10 of the 32 people I had written down.

This pattern continued the entire time, with anywhere between 8 to 17 criminals a day dying that appeared on whatever shows or sites Light had checked.

We got five days worth of evidence before Ryuzaki decided to end surveillance, not telling the men what I had collected because we wouldn't have proof until we got his death note.

He let everyone go for the night, leaving just him and me. He turns to me.

"I know you are probably aware, but I've decided to enroll at To Oh." I nodded.

"College will not kill you Ryuzaki, but it will help you eventually bring Light onto the taskforce." He nodded, but looked relieved at the same time.

"I will say, however, to be careful. Just because I know that you shouldn't die, doesn't mean that you can become careless." He nodded.

I smiled and bid him goodnight before heading to my hotel room. I signed as I closed the door.

I had always thought that being in love with a fictional character was hard.

It was even harder when you suddenly find yourself in his world, and working so close to him, but still being unable to do anything about your feelings.

How do you tell a man who is so detached and socially awkward, and has never been loved before that you love him? How do you show a man like that, who thinks so little of his own life, that he is the most important thing to you?

Furthermore, what should I do if, at the end of the case, I end up back in my own world?

I lay in my bed, not even noticing the tears falling from my eyes.

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