Journal Part 3

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(Your pov)

It's now October 8th and a lot has happened since we removed the cameras and wiretaps from the homes we had been watching.

When Ryuzaki said that he wanted to keep an eye on Light Yagami, I had not expected my boyfriend to become a temporary college student in order to get close to the teen.

He had succeeded in recruiting the boy to work with us, and it began in April when a new Kira sent tapes to a tv station.

I had been the only person to think that the second Kira was a female, because they did not challenge the original in some sort of bid for dominance. In fact, this Kira willingly submitted to our fake Kira's will.

It turned out I was right, when the DNA from the envelope the tapes were in ended up being a perfect perfect match for aspiring model Misa Amane.

We had the girl arrested, and she is now sitting in a cell aat a woman's correction facility, when it became apparent that the girl was so obsessed with Kira that with Kira that she was willing to be used by him in  order to make him love her.

Ryuzaki had wanted to interrogate her some more in order to find out if Light was really Kira, but I had to I explain to him that she was so obsessed with Kira that she wouldn't cooperate with us. She will not be a useful source of information unless we could get her out of her obsession.

We had Light put under surveillance in a private cell, but the only thing to happen there was for Light's  behavior to change radically.

At first he was fully aware of what was going on. He knew that he was our prime suspect, and he had willingly gone into confinement in order to prove he wasn't our killer.

The first week had passed with Light behaving like has had since Ryuzaki began hanging out with him, then all of a sudden, he changed.

We were both at a loss at the reason why Light would change so suddenly, because I could tell that Light was being sincere, and I told my skeptical boyfriend that.

Gone was the confident young man who asked to be  confined, and in his place was an apparently frightened teen who realized how foolish this plan was. He went from 'I could be Kira and not know it' to 'You have to believe me! There is no way I could be Kira'.

I am not the only one to find this change odd, however the rest of the taskforce are unwilling to see past the fact that Light is Chief Yagami's son.

When the teen was finally released, my boyfriend was planning to handcuff himself to our main suspect, but I had to remind him that I would end up close to the teen  as well.

Light would eventually realize that we were soulmates, and he would use that detail to either hurt me or kill me in order to get to him.

L didn't want me to be harmed because of our relationship, but he also didn't want to break up. He  needs me just like I need him. So he decided to just keep an eye on him everywhere the teen goes, and only handcuffing himself to Light should the teen need to leave Headquarters.

It has been two months since the eighteen year old was released and we are now in L's newly built headquarters so we no longer have to switch hotels. I've even got my own suite.

A couple of days after we had moved in, Chief Yagami and Mogi arrived from meeting with Director Kitamura. They were told that if they wanted to keep their jobs they will have to stop investigating Kira. 

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