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NEW ONE SHOT!!! Sorry for waiting so long to post guys. I hadn't been in the mood lately to update for some reason (probably how much of a pain my laptop is when I try) but I promise that I will try to update more often. Anyway, hope you guys like this sweet little one shot!

Prompt: You looked out the window and, not for the first time, thought about how wrong the weather forecast had been.

This wasn't how today was supposed to go.

It's been two and a half years since he's been home.

The World's Greatest Detective left for Japan to capture Kira, an individual with unknown powers who was killing off criminals with heart attacks.

L has been my best friend for many years, ever since he arrived at Wammys House.

When an orphan first appears at Wammys, they go through an evaluation. They have their physical and mental evaluations, and then each student is given an IQ test. The IQ test will tell the Wammy Caseworkers which of the Houses to send the child.

Of course, I was sent to the main house for geniuses. After getting settled in, I was given a skills and knowledge evaluation in order to decide what program to put me in.

I was entered into Computer Programming, where I was taught everything that I need to know about how computers work. My main skills are hacking and inventing products that can be used to help those in other programs, like the detective program.

That was how I really got to know L. He has had me help hack into security systems in buildings he needed access to, as well as helpful little gadgets to help him or his underlings in the field.

You can think of my work as something similar to what you would find in spy movies, like a camera that looks like a pen or sunglasses with wifi.

Most recently he had me create several intricate security systems for his own building, including hand pads, retina scanning software, and hypersensitive wiretaps.

When he first decided to leave for Japan, he promised that he would join me for a candy picnic, something we began back when we were kids and wanted to celebrate our achievements or birthdays.

Now, we use these picnics to meet up and catch up on our lives. We agree to have one when one of us leaves England for a job. We promise to have a picnic the day after we return. It's something we both always look forward to.

Today is the day we have scheduled our picnic, and it was supposed to be warm and sunny, but it's actually raining heavily, so much so that you can't even see what's right in front of you.

'We can't have our picnic out in this.' I sighed sadly as I stared out the window.

I was startled out of my thoughts by a knock on the door.

'Who could possibly be out in this?' I wondered as I reached for the door and finding my best friend standing there, holding a picnic basket and water dripping down his face.

I ushered the man inside, sitting the basket down, before taking his hand and leading him to the guest bedroom.

I went into the bathroom to grab a couple of towels, before knocking on the closed door. After a quiet 'enter' I walked back in to see that he has already removed his shirt. I handed him one of the towels, so he could dry himself off.

"Oh L, what am I going to do with you?" I smiled softly as I helped him with his thick hair.

"What? We're supposed to have a picnic today. I decided to come here since we can't go to the usual spot."

"I understand, but I don't want you to make yourself sick, just to visit me." I turned to the drawers, finding him a pair of jeans and a shirt that he had left the last time he was here; that man hasn't changed since his last growth spurt when we were 18.

"You know this isn't just a visit (First Name). These picnics are very important to me." He said with a slight blush.

"They're important to me too L. I love you, and I enjoy getting to spend time with you." I replied with a blush of my own.

"I love you too, (First Name). You were the first person to see me as a human being, not a freak."

"You're not a freak L. You are an intelligent man with a difficult and dangerous job."

"That's one reason why I love you. You know me, and you understand why I am the way I am. You see me as more than just my title."

"Of course I know you. We've been best friends for years, even before you become the World's Greatest Detective. I've seen you at your best, the absolute joy you show when you've solved a supposedly unsolvable case. I've also seen you at some of your worst moments too, When the stress of your job is taking its toll, and you're close to your breaking point." I replied as he turned towards me on his way to the bathroom to change out of his wet jeans.

"I know you too, (First Name). I've seen your own joy at showing off a successful invention, and getting praise for your work from those using them on the field. I've also seen the stress of trying to perfect a difficult piece of technology with an imposing deadline. The stress it puts on you when your trying to get one thing to work properly because you know that it could mean success of failure on a particular case. Or in some cases life or death." He stated as he entered the bathroom.

I left him to his clean-up and walked into the living room to set things up for our indoor picnic.

He came back out, looking good as new and crouched down beside me. We made the usual small talk, telling each other the important moments since our last visit.

"I've decided to retire from being L." He stated abruptly. My head shot up to face him.

"Wh-What? Why?" I asked, unable to wrap my head around this statement.

"The Kira Case was the most dangerous case I had ever taken on, and it really took its toll on me. It was harder than arresting B." He began, lowering his face so that his hair covered his eyes. I took his hand in mine in order to keep him from trembling; I'm the only one who can calm him down when he gets upset. His hand clutched mine tightly as he continued.

"There were days I was sure I was going to die, and days I was unsure how I could continue the investigation. It certainly put things in perspective for me." He looked up at me, his eyes staring directly in mine, something that doesn't normally happen considering that L usually shies away from people.

"I used to think that the most important thing I could do with my life was catch criminals in order to make the world safer for the people I care about. Now, while I know that my work is important, I know that it isn't the most important thing I can do." He gently brushed my hair away from my face.

"I remember the day I was leaving Wammys to take on my first overseas case. You ran out the doors as Watari was putting my bags in the car. You begged me not to leave you, and you told me that you loved me and wanted me to stay with you. I told you that it was because of how I felt for you that I had to go. I didn't really understand the feelings that you made me feel. I knew that you were my best and truest friend, and I cared about your safety; which was why I didn't have you join me. I feared that these feelings would distract me from my work. Then, during the Kira Case, I had to watch my one of my suspects hanging all over my main suspect. She claimed to love him and because of that, she wanted to do anything she could to help him. While I doubt that her love for him was truly love, and not a simple obsession, it made me think about you and how I really feel.

"I really do love you (First Name), and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to hold you while you sleep, make cakes with you, watch anime with you. I want to show you all the places you've always wanted to see. I want to be your husband, and I want you to be my wife. So what do you say?" He asked, and with tears of joy in my eyes and filled his face and kissed him for the first time.

"I love you too L, and I would love to be your wife. I've waited for years to hear you say this, so yes I will marry you." I replied as I pulled him into my arms.

We held each other late into evening, listening to the storm outside as we basked in the love we share.

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