Journal Part 1

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HC soulmate au. You're given a journal that matches the one given to your soulmate. Anything you write can be read only by the owner of the other journal.

It's been seven years since I've been given the journal with a beautiful (initial) in cloister black. Ever since I was little, I have always been told that the journal I would someday receive would be very special.

"You will find the journal usually in your bedroom, when both you and your soulmate have reached your 18th birthday. It will appear on the birthday of whoever is younger. It is a means of communication between two people destined to be together. Cherish it always." My grandma always told me.

I found mine on October 31, 2000, which means that whoever my soulmate is, he was born on Halloween.

I've been writing about myself ever since, and it makes my day whenever I get a reply.

So far, I have known that my soulmate is named Lawliet. He has wild black hair and dark eyes. He has trouble sleeping, having nightmares when he sleeps which lead to him not liking sleep. He says that he does everything he can to avoid sleeping, and this caused him to develop dark eye bags. His job causes him to travel a lot, and he has to be very careful of how many people knows of his location, which is why he hasn't told me how to find him yet.

I hope he does someday, because I really want to meet him.

(L's pov)

At Wammys House we were told about soulmates. How most people had a soulmate waiting to be with them. We were told about the journal that will appear on the youngest person's 18th birthday.

I never thought I'd be lucky enough to have one, so I was surprised when I came back to my room at midnight on my 18th birthday to find a white journal with my logo on it.

At first I was afraid that someone was playing a cruel joke on me, until I realized that nobody here knew my birthday except for Watari, but he wouldn't torture me like that.

It was late morning when my logo began to glow. I opened the journal to see the most beautiful writing I had ever seen.

I had learned that my soulmate's name was (First name), and that she had been so excited to find the journal when she woke up that day.

Now I know so much about her, and I know that I have fallen in love with her, even without having ever seen her.

It might be dangerous, but I need to have her with me. I can't handle the pain of loneliness anymore.

I was getting ready to go to Japan for the Kira Case. So I decided to ask her to meet me in Tokyo.

However, she posed a big question.

How are we supposed to identify each other? I told her that I wanted to meet her and where we can meet, but considering the fact that we've never seen each other, how do we know who to look for?

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