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(L's pov)

Today is seriously depressing. The case has barely moved forward since we've received the Death Note from Higuchi. The task force is still arguing with me on Light Yagami's guilt, and right now all I want to do is stand in the rain for a while, but the others simply won't leave me alone.

Ultimately, I decided that I needed to escape from the taskforce to get a few minutes of peace.

I retrieved my raincoat and made certain that my shoes were on all the way, remembering the last time I went out in the rain without them. I was ill for a week and unable to work on any of my cases.

I had no idea that this trip would be so different from my normal forays into society.

(Your pov)

I uttered an exhausted sigh as I reached my car, after a long 10 hour shift at the hospital.

We were so busy we barely had time to think. If I wasn't in a meeting, I would help in the E.R. If I wasn't in the E.R I was rushing patient files between the different floors, or seeing patients or assisting doctors as they looked after patients.

Now all I want to do is head to the bakery for a little pick me up and go home. A long relaxing bath and my bed sounded wonderful right now.

Fortunately, my favorite bakery is only a block away from my house, which is a 30 minute drive from work.

The bakery was within my sight when I noticed a figure in a black raincoat walking down the sidewalk, heading in the direction of my destination.

I had no idea why I paid attention to this figure, but my curiosity was piqued.

I could only wonder why someone would be walking in this drenching rain, especially without an umbrella.

I stopped my car as the figure stopped suddenly, and grabbed at their chest.

Recognizing what was happening, I jumped out of my car and ran towards the person as the fell.

I checked the person over, whom I can see is a man. He wasn't breathing, so I laid him down and began to give him CPR.

A few people arrived shortly after I set about my work. One held umbrellas over us so the man wouldn't drown on the rain water if he began responding, while another helped the man breathe when I gave them they nod.

Fortunately, I could feel his heart start up again, and the man began to breathe on his own. He wasn't ready to wake up yet, so I decided to take him to my house so I can monitor his health. I have everything I need at home for a single patient, and my house is a lot closer than the hospital.

I asked for one of the pedestrians to keep an eye on my patient while I got my backseat ready to transport the man to my home.

The pedestrian then helped me get the man into my backseat. Before getting into my car, I sent a text to my neighbor to help me bring the man to my guest room.

I knew that this would be a long night.

(L's pov)

Where am I?

That was the first thought I had as I opened my eyes.

I could hear the beep of a heart monitor, which meant that I was still alive.

The room I was in didn't look like a hospital room. It looked like the guest bedroom of someone's house.

I thought back to what I was doing before I found myself here.

I remember walking in the rain, heading to the cake shop, and I felt the pain in my chest that told me that Kira had decided to kill me.

However, it appears as though Light Yagami has failed.

Who wrote my name? Was it that Shinigami, or did Misa make that weird eye deal? How did I survive? Whose house am I in? How long have I been unconscious?

I paused my thinking when I heard the door to the room open and close.

A young woman had entered the room, with bright (color) eyes and long (color) hair pulled back in a messy ponytail.

"Oh good. You're awake. How are you feeling?"

I tilted my head as I assessed myself. I didn't have any chest pains, no breathing difficulties, or headaches.

Honestly, I felt better than I have in a long time. I told the woman, and she smiled softly at me as she stated that she was happy to hear of my health.

She went on to explain that she was a nurse and that she had been there when I had collapsed.

Apparently I have been in her house for a couple of days, and she has been taking care of me.

"My name is (First Name). What's yours?""

"Ryuzaki." I responded automatically. She asked me if there was someone she should get into contact with to let them know where I was.

I considered her question. I am reluctant to give her information on my identity, however I know that this woman couldn't be pro-Kira. She had saved me from certain death after all.

I told her how to get ahold of Watari. I listened as she made the call to him and explained the situation to him. She handed me the phone, and walked away to give me a moment of privacy.

I took the moment to tell Watari to let the Wammys know of my survival since I am unlikely to log into my computer by the end of tomorrow.

After he had agreed to call Roger, he told me that it was the Shinigami who killed me and that he had been the one to find the death god's remains. With the Shinigami's notebook in his possession, he has been able to prove that the last two rules where fake.

He also told me that the task force had decided to declare me missing or presumed dead since I haven't returned to my building.

For now, they are continuing the case with Light in my place. Since he believes that he has won against me, he is interacting more with Misa.

Luckily, Light is unwilling to leave taskforce to interact with the model, so they spend time together in Misa's old suite.

What they don't know, is that even though the cameras and wiretaps are not sending surveillance to the rest of the taskforce, it doesn't mean they are not recording. Watari is able to watch and listen to everything that are doing.

Which means we now have proof that Light and Misa are Kira and Second Kira.


It's been two weeks since my near death. In that time, I have coordinated the capture or Light Yagami and Misa Amane.

I have also gotten to know (First Name). The nurse who had saved my life.

Todays the day where I finally solve this case.

The first time that I have walked into my building since the heart attack. I was able to sneak in so that I could watch as Watari showed the evidence.

Aizawa made the arrests, only being assisted in bringing the two killers to his cop car by Mogi and Matsuda.

The most amusing thing about this was when I revealed myself to the taskforce at the last minute, explaining my survival when Light angrily exclaimed that he had me killed, so there was no way I could be standing there, watching justice being served.

Yes, I was able to witness the Kira Case come to a close.

All thanks to the beautiful and caring nurse that saved me that dark and gloomy day.

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