Set in Stone part 3

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(L's pov)

It's day three of what (First Name) has dubbed 'Misa Watch'. Right now it's just the two of us, everyone else had either gone to lunch, or was at the police station.

I looked up when I felt something touch my hand. I turned to (First Name), thinking that she was attempting to garner my attention, but she was focused on the evidence she was looking at.

That was when I noticed a bony white hand with a piece of paper moving towards my girlfriend.

I stood up abruptly, startling (First Name) as well as the creature I could now see standing behind her.

"Ryu???" She asked, as she got up and moved towards me. I pulled the confused officer behind me, as I glared at what I could only assume was a Shinigami.

"I mean her no harm. I need to speak with the both of you, but she needs to touch a piece of my Death Note to see and hear me."

I thought for a moment before nodding and turning to my beautiful girlfriend. I told her that there was a Shinigami here who wanted to speak with us. I took her hand in mine and turned back to the Shinigami.

The moment the paper grazed her fingers, we turn to face the Shinigami.

"I am Rem, and I am working with Misa Amane. She believes that she is in love with Kira, but he is only using her to kill you. I had promised to kill you in order to keep Misa safe. However, I cannot see your name, so I can't kill you. So I am here to make a deal with you. I have taken Misa's ability to be Kira, and she no longer remembers anything regarding to Kira. She will remember meeting her crush, and she will remember meeting you."

"What's the deal then Rem?" (First Name) asked in a no nonsense voice.

"Let Misa Amane go, and I will help you catch Kira."

"Aren't you on Kira's side? What do you get out of the deal?" My girlfriend asked.

"I do not care for Light Yagami. He is using Misa and will likely get rid of her when she is no longer useful to him. I'm not on either side. I only care for Misa's wellbeing. She is not safe with him, but she loves him and won't listen to me." Rem stated.

"I see. You want to protect Misa from being executed by association with Kira. We can certainly spin this as her being manipulated by Light, which she is. Get her mandatory counseling. I have a friend who can probably take her on. She is close enough to Misa's age that it would not look
strange for them to hang out. She can also keep the counseling a secret so that it doesn't ruin her reputation of career." (First Name) explained.

"Light Yagami is our real target anyway. We had wanted to get the second Kira away from the original so this works for us." I agreed.

"The problem with getting him is that we still don't how he kills, or where he hides the weapon." L thought out loud.

Rem lifted up a black book with Japanese writing on the cover.

"This is a Death Note. If you write a name while picturing their face, the person will die of what you humans call a heart attack."

"That takes care of what the weapon is, however it doesn't tell us where Light keeps his. I doubt he'd trust Misa with that information. He doesn't seem the type to tell people anything important, just tell them who to kill and how. He probably wouldn't have revealed himself as Kira to anyone if they hadn't figured it out on their own, like Misa had."

"Any thoughts on how we should proceed?"

"If I hadn't known that I couldn't kill you, I would have taken the Death Note to Light Yagami as would be Misa's wishes, if she could tell me to go to him."

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