Set in Stone part 1

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(L's pov)

It is well known that a person's future is always foretold from birth, even if it isn't understood how or why.

Each person's future is cryptic and personal. There isn't a 'You'll be married at 25 and will have three children.' Or anything like that.

My foretold future was 'He would meet his soulmate when he needs her most and she will save him.'

What does that mean? How will I meet my soulmate? When will I meet her? How will she save me? What will I need to be saved from?

Obviously, it wasn't from freezing to death when I was seven, because I wasn't saved by a girl. Watari had found and rescued me from the streets where my parents had abandoned me.

There wasn't any danger living at the orphanage, so it was unlikely to be any of the girls here, since my prophecy had indicated the lack of prior knowledge of my soulmate. She wouldn't be someone I would meet unless I was in a dangerous situation of some sort.

Honestly, I don't even believe my prophecy. How could I?

I'm too strange for a normal woman to ever be interested in. My hair is a mess; I have back problems, and I have dark eye bags due to my insomnia. I am a secretive loner with super pale skin and creepy looking dark eyes that I've heard people claim appear as though I'm staring straight into their souls.

Now, I'm in Japan and am preparing to meet the reduced Kira Taskforce.

If only I had known how life-changing this meeting would be.

(First Name's pov)

I have been feeling anxious ever since I left the meeting where we were told when and where to meet the Legendary L.

I am the only female left on the team, after so many of the officers left.

This morning we had learned that L had brought in FBI agents to follow all of us in hopes of catching Kira. L suspects that Kira was either a member of the original taskforce, or close to one of us.

We only found out because all of the agents died, and the Director of the FBI called Chief Yagami. Most of the others hated L for having us tailed, and for suspecting us.

Admittedly, I'm not surprised to find that we had been suspects. The evidence shows that Kira somehow has access to our classified information. If Kira hasn't been in the meetings, he had received the details from someone who was, whether the officer was willingly giving out details or Kira had some level of hacking skill.

This case is so big that many of us have been taking our work at home just to keep up.

I found the move to be ingenious. Not only did he prove or disprove some of us as Kira, but now the taskforce was smaller.

We are being given an opportunity that none other had likely ever received. To meet the mysterious detective face to face.

My mind went on wondering just who the mysterious man was. Was he older or younger? What did he look like? Did he have any odd quirks? I have heard that the more intelligent people tend to have strange little behaviors or appearances. The famous photo of Albert Einstein with his wild hair came to mind.

I thought about my foretold future: "Her soulmate will reveal himself in a time of danger. She will save him, and they will bring forth a great change."

Is Kira the danger which will allow me to find him? Is his life in danger because of Kira? Could L be my soulmate?

It would make sense. Regardless of who wins this battle, humanity is heading towards a big change. Kira is very dangerous, and who would be in the more danger than the man who is leading the case against him?

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