Silas & Paddy

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Silas Williams pulled the blanket around his shoulders to keep out the cold, as he stood at the edge of the cliff, looking down at the waves below, beating on the rocks, where the last remnants of the Emily Rose were being swallowed by the ocean.

Silas Williams pulled the blanket around his shoulders to keep out the cold, as he stood at the edge of the cliff, looking down at the waves below, beating on the rocks, where the last remnants of the Emily Rose were being swallowed by the ocean

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"Is you trying to catch your death of cold now?"

He turned to see Elizabeth Dove walking through the knee deep snow toward him.

He turned to see Elizabeth Dove walking through the knee deep snow toward him

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"Being shot wasn't enough for you. Now you are cheating death once again?"

She waked to his side, hugging into his arm.

"Come back to the Bay. It is nearly time to eat."

Silas put his arm and blanket around the young woman.

"I will come in a moment, Elizabeth. I just need to stand here for a moment."

"What are you looking at?"

Silas pointed to the rocks below.

"That be the last of the Emily Rose. This storm will take her down and that be that."

"You sound sad, Silas. You should be happy. At least we are alive. We could be joining the Rose at the bottom of the sea."

"I know."

He hugged Elizabeth tight.

"But it still be sad, Elizabeth. Its like saying goodbye to an old friend."

"It just be a boat, Silas," Elizabeth laughed.

"No, Elizabeth. It be the last memory we have of England. When that last piece is gone, so is our connection to our homeland."

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