let the manipulation begin

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Bill was pouring his second cup of coffee, when Matty walked into the kitchen. He had not even heard the bedroom door open.

"You a ninja or something?"

Matty shook her head

"Good morning to you too," she smiled, as she kissed him quickly on the lips, taking his coffee as she did so.

"I'll just get myself another coffee," Bill quipped, as he reached for another mug.

"Man up, princess," Matty laughed as she sipped the coffee.

Bill poured another coffee.

"Did you sleep well?"

"I did and I see that you finally got me into your bed."

Bill sipped his coffee and turned to her.

"Seems I did. Unfortunately, I wasn't there with you."

He kissed her quickly and walked past her into the living room.

Matty followed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was so tired. I really didn't mean to fall asleep on you.

But honestly, the last couple days have been so stressful."

Bill lit a cigarette.

"Well I can honestly say that you fell asleep on me. My shirt will attest to that."

"What do you mean?"

"You drooled all over my chest."

Matty started laughing.

"I did? I'm so sorry."

"Think nothing of it. You are so sexy when you sleep with your mouth wide open, drool dripping down your chin and to top it all off.

You snore."

"I do not," Matty protested.

"Oh yes you do," Bill laughed as he sat down on the couch.

"And very, very loudly, I might add. Even Nanny Dove left and went to the cottage to get some peace and quiet. And poor Jarge hid in the bathroom."

Bill drew on his cigarette and sipped his coffee.

"After last night, I don't know if I want to sleep with you. If the noise don't keep me awake, I just might drown in my sleep from your drools."

He faked a shiver.

"I am terrified of drowning."

Matty sat down on the couch next to Bill.

"Let me make it up to you."

She leaned forward to kiss Bill, but he put his hand between her mouth and hers, stopping her.

"Just a second." He passed her the box of facial tissues that was on the coffee table.

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