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Frank opened the door to his motel room.

"Come in Bill and pour a drink. Just finishing up with the wife here."

By the time Bill had his drink poured and a cigarette lit, Frank had hung up the telephone.

"Sorry about that."

"Not at all," Bill assured him.

"I just finished with my girlfriend as well. She is in Corner Brook for the night."

"Matty Dove?"

Bill nodded.

"You say her name with a strange tinge in your voice."

"Oh no disrespect, I assure you. I think Matty is a very strong woman. But she can be ..."

Bill laughed. "A little overwhelming at times?"

Frank nodded and raised his glass.

"To a little overwhelming."

Both men finished their drink and Frank poured another.

"But seriously, Matty is really an amazing woman. I've only met a few with her drive and determination. And my lovely wife, Julie is one of them."

Bill smiled as he thought of all the times Matty had stood up to him. But she did have a soft side that very few got to see.

"She is quite a handful at times, but I do think the world of her."

Frank raised his glass again.

"To Matty Dove."

Bill and Frank drank from their glasses and Frank lit a cigarette.

"So. You didn't want to meet with me privately to talk about Matty, so what is on your mind, Bill?"

"Well I just wanted to talk where there weren't a dozen pair of ears straining to listen."

"That I understand."

Bill drew on his cigarette and sat back in the chair.

"Let's just say that if someone was willing to invest money in the Bay to save it, what would he be looking at?"

Frank drew on his cigarette.

"By he, I assume you mean, you?"

"I'm not good at this cloak and dagger thing," Bill laughed.

"But as you are already aware, I have about two million dollars already invested in this place and I really don't want to lose my investment."

"That is certainly understandable."

Bill took a deep breath.

"Although, the more I think about things, the less fearful I am about losing that money. I am beginning to think that if I want to stay here in the Bay, it is going to cost me a lot more than two million dollars."

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