manic Monday (1)

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Henry Tucker was filling up the Tuckamore Bay cigarette display, when he heard the bell ring on the door to the store.

"Be with you in a second," he said, without turning.

There was no response and when Henry turned, he saw two rather large men standing at the counter.

There was no response and when Henry turned, he saw two rather large men standing at the counter

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The two men were dressed identical. They wore black shoes, black pants, black, tight fitting t-shirts and dark glasses. They had buzz cuts and no facial hair.

"Youse guys must be lost," Henry exclaimed, a smile on his face.

"We are looking for Henry Tucker."

"Ise bes 'enry Tucker. 'ow can I 'elp youse guys."

The taller of the two men opened a folder, he was carrying and slapped a document on the counter.


He took a pen from the folder and offered it to Henry.

Henry ignored the man and picked up the document.

The man slapped it from Henry's hand and put the pen on the document.


Henry adjusted his glasses and picked up the document again.

"Ise not signin' anyting, lessen Ise knows what Ise signin'."

The man leaned on the counter and stared at Henry.

"Sign the document, old man."

"Is youse bes 'ard of 'earing, young man? Ise said Ise not signin' anyting lessen Ise knows what its bes."

The man grabbed Henry's arm and squeezed.

"Sign the document or I will break your arm."

Henry winced in pain. "Okay. Okay."

The man let go of Henry's arm and picked up the pen.

"Now sign."

Henry shook his head and put his hand on the document.

"Ise don't knows youse. Ise don't knows what dis document is and Ise sure as 'ell not signin' anyting, 'till Ise knows what Ise signin'"

Henry pushed the document toward the man.

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