truth revealed

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Bill got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen.

He leaned over the sink for a moment and stared out into the darkness. The ocean view, he was sure, was the same as it would be in Jamaica. He felt a certain peace.

He closed the windows and locked them, pulling the curtains across.

He took a clean tea towel and walked back into the living room, passing the tea towel to Matty.

"I couldn't find a towel."

She held the yellow tea towel to her eyes for a few moments.

"I'm sorry," she finally said, putting the tea towel on her lap.

"For what?

For lying to me?

For trying to con me?"

Matty nodded.

"You are right. I haven't been totally honest ..."



Bill rolled his eyes.

"Okay," Matty barked.

"I bent the law to suit our situation. I deceived you into believing that the lighthouse was worth far more than it actually is. I got you here under false pretences, hoping that you could be maneuvered into going along with my plan."

Bill nearly choked on his beer.

"Maneuvering? Is that what it is called now."

Matty threw the tea towel at Bill.

"Wipe your mouth. You have beer in your goatee. Not very flattering."

Bill did as she asked and sat back on the couch, tossing the yellow tea towel back to her.

"So tell me best case scenario. What were you expecting to gain by all of this?"

Matty bit her lip.

"I have drawn up a plan for the village. I have been working on it for a year or more now. The cobblestone road and colourfully painted houses are just the beginning. Now the real work begins. Fighting with government to get our fair share of the fishing rights on this side of the island.

Investing money in the fish plant to bring it back up to government standards. Work on the docks. Even the fishing boats have to be upgraded before they can go back on the water.

Then there is infrastructure for the village itself.

Our water supply needs a filtration system and we need a new system to breakdown and dispose of waste. And then there is garbage. And on and on."

"Sounds like a huge investment on someone's part."

Matty nodded.

"It won't be cheap, for sure. But if I can show the government that we are serious and that we have a solid investor, then we just might get government assistance."

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