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Henry Tucker sat back in his chair and stared at Bill.

"Dat bes a fuck of a lot of money, Bill."

John Dove agreed.

"A true shit-load, me son."

Bill had called Mayor Tucker and told him that he wanted a meeting with him and John Dove. The other councillor, John's wife, Joyce, was still in Corner Brook with Matty. They were returning that night, but Bill wanted to present his findings to Henry and John as quickly as possible.

"It is a lot of money, gentlemen."

Henry lay the papers on his desk.

"So whats does dis mean, Bill?"

"I think, as you can see by the figures there, that the reality of the situation is clear. No matter how badly everyone might want to save the Bay, the reality is, there is no way."

"Dere always bes a way, me son," John spoke up, "but, Ise be seein' what youse means.And fer da few peoples dat really wants to be stayin', dat bes a ridiculous amount."

"What do you mean? The few people?"

"What Johnny means dere Bill, is dat not everyones wants to be stayin' 'ere. Some of us old timers, well wese be a bit stubborn and wese be stayin' no matters what, but a lots of da youngins, well dey don't wants to be roughin' it, specially da teenagers. Dey wants a more normal life, wit all da tings dat others 'ave.

Youse know whats Ise talkin' 'bout. Tings like cable, internet and dem phones what takes pictures. At da best of times, da Bay bes like some place lost in da 1970s."

Bill sat back in his chair.

"What if everything was in place?"

John shook his head.

"Billy boy, its bes likes dis. Da world 'as changed, but 'ere in da Bay, tings bes pretty much da same. Even the young ones 'as to be drove to Deer Lake to school ev'ry day. In da winter, dat bes almost impossible, so a lots of dem stays wit friends and relatives down dere. Dey don't always loves it when dey 'as to come back 'ere."

Bill nodded.

"It must be hard on them. Has there ever been a school here in the Bay?"

"Many year ago, but da gov'ment mead us close it down 'cause we could not keep up wit da changing .... "

Henry looked at John.

"What were dat word dey used?"

"Car-rick someting," John sputtered.

"Curriculum?" Bill offered.

"Dat bes it," Henry agreed.

"Dey said dat our youngins weren't on da same level bes da rest of students dere age. So off to Deer Lake wit them."

"So how many people do you think would stay?"

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