leading me on

16 4 2

Bill was sitting at the top of his lighthouse, looking out across the ocean. Earlier that day he had driven to Deer Lake and bought three nice padded lawn chairs and a small table, to put on the veranda that surrounded the top of the lighthouse.

He was just pouring a second scotch when he heard the door to the veranda open.

"So this is where you are hiding."

Jarge waddled across and met Matty at the door.

"Hey there Jarge."

She opened a plastic bag, that she had in her hand and passed Jarge a fresh capelin.

He swallowed it whole.

Matty laughed.

"Jarge is a bit of a pig. Don't even chew his food."

Jarge squawked at her.

"That's it. Now go away," Matty waved her hand at the seagull.

Jarge waddled across in front of Bill and jumped up on a lawn chair, next to him.

Matty laughed.

"Honestly, Bill. You are spoiling that bird."

She bent down and gave Bill a quick peck on the lips.

"Mind if I have a drink?"

"Help yourself."

Matty sat in the chair, son the other side of the small table and stared at Bill as she poured her drink. 

"Well I guess the honeymoon is over."

Bill never responded. He continued to stare out across the ocean, as he puffed on his White Owl cigar.

Matty sipped her drink.

"You okay, Bill?"

"Yea. Why do you ask?"

"Well for one, I had to pour my own drink and you haven't even offered me a cigar."

Bill turned to her.

"They are right there on the table, Matty."

He looked back out over the ocean.

He could feel Matty glaring at him.

"You know if you don't want me here, I can leave," Matty offered.

Bill shook his head and turned to Matty..

"Can I ask you a question and you give me an honest answer?"

She pulled her chair out, so Bill could see her.


"Why did you stop me last week?"

"What do you mean?"

Bill took a deep breath and then let out a long sigh.

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