Words Mean A Lot - Phony!

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'*Words*' = Shukaku speaking in Gaara's mind.

'*Words*' = Gaara speaking in his own mind.

Gaara's View

My eyes widened at Reina's last words before she fell unconscious. "You're a monster that just needs some love." She whispered sweetly, her eyes falling shut.

What is it that she meant by those words? You're a monster that needs...love? Was she trying to get me to think that love was the cure my behavior? I scoffed lightly, I highly doubt it can help me on anyway. Love is simply something or someone we crave for.

I stared down at Reina's battered body, her breathing slowly coming to a stop. Many medics rushed their way over to her and shouted, commanding one another for things they needed done. There was a sudden urge inside me to go and check if she was alright; alive. It was unlike anything I've experienced before.

'Boy, you know clearly why she does this to you.' Shukaku snickered,
mockingly. 'You showed her so in the forest. Claiming her as your own, remember?'

A small smirk made its way to my lips, 'Yes, I remember that moment clearly, Shukaku. If only that pest of a boy Atsushi didn't come and ruin the moment...' I said, oblivious to what such thoughts as my own meant. 'Reina will be mine...'

'Oh-ho-ho! If you really believe so, then why haven't you officially made her yours?' He asked, a sinister smirk appearing in my mind. 'After all, she won't be yours until you do so.'

I glanced at the medics, watching them secure Reina onto a small carrier. She was paler than usual and her arms swayed limply.

'I will in time, slow yourself, beast.' I stated.

His beastly chuckled echoed throughout my mind. 'I do hope you know, that boy from before is in your way.' He mused, 'He needs to be eliminated...'

I smirked, the thoughts of murdering Atsushi appearing before my eyes; Reina's, corrupting my mind.

'I'll handle him... Now then, begone. I have no use for you any longer.' I said, placing a barrier in my mind to keep Shukaku silent.

I walked back to face the man known as Hayate. He tensed under my gaze and shakily raised his hand in the air.

"The winner of this fight is Gaara!" He shouted, the crowd showing their shock towards his answer.

I felt several pair of eyes piercing the back of my head, almost burning their way through my skull. I, however, pushed this fact away and began to walk away from the scene. I felt proud of myself for defeating the 'Oh so glorious' Hizō. It was almost as if fighting against the remaining Uchiha member; Sasuke Uchiha. Only this was against the remaining Hizō in the world; Reina Hizō. A murderous clan thirsty for power and strength.

"Hey, you!"

I glanced over my shoulder at the pink-haited girl that I've seen Reina around. She must be one of her teammates. She didn't look like much... Her posture was sluggish, her eyes seemed to be following one thing only; Sasuke.

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