Zabuza Returns - Life or Death?!

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Reina's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open. I looked around and I noticed that I was in some room. 'Am I in one of Tazuna's guest rooms?' I thought as I stood up and stretched.

"Hn, you're up..."

I jumped and spun around facing Sasuke who was only in a towel, dripping wet from his shower I'm guessing. My eye twitched and heat rushed to my cheeks immediately, 'Couldn't he put some clothes on before coming out?!' I thought, then I began to wonder why I was even with him. 'Wait...why am I in a room with, him?'.

"See something you like?" Sasuke teased cockily with a smirk.

I hadn't realized that I had been staring at his chest for a little too long. I shook my head and glared at Sasuke.

"No, no I don't actually. Now go put on some clothes." I stated bluntly with my arms crossed.

A small frown appeared on his face and disappeared as fast as it came. I blinked in confusion, 'Did he frown over what I said?' I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly and pushed my confusion to the side. Who cares. He walked over to a dresser, pulling out the clothes he was going to wear.

"Hn...go shower already." Sasuke ordered, looking at me for a mere second.

Nodding, I grabbed a towel and some of my clothes, "Alright." I said, stepping in the bathroom.

I switched the light on and a light bulb went off inside my head. 

"Oh, and Sasuke..." I muttered out.


"Thanks for carrying me to bed yesterday. I didn't mean to be a burden, but you were kind enough to help me. So...thanks." I thanked him, before slamming the door shut.

'What has gotten into me lately? I'm being nice and I'm thanking people now?!' I thought with a sigh, 'If this is what having friends does to you...I'm scared. Why am I changing?' I took my clothes off and set them on the ground in a neat pile. I turned the nozzle in the shower making hot, steamy water shoot out. I scrubbed my hair and body to get all the grime off me from our precious training. After eight minutes or so, I finished and hopped out. I dried myself and put my clothes on, then brushed my teeth. Now my hair. My hands hovered over my hair, I concentrated on removing all the water from my hair, but left enough to keep it soft. Opening my eyes I looked at the orb of water, before dropping it in the sink.

"Done.." I muttered, looking at myself in the mirror.


Immediately I held my head in pain, whimpering at the horrible memories. 'Get out, get out, get out!' I shouted inwardly as more memories came up. Ones that I wish I never had, but without those memories I wouldn't be here now. With my friends, dad, uncle and gramps.. Shaking my head I walked out door and downstairs. Sakura, Tsunami, Inari, Tazuna, Sasuke, and Dad were there. However, one person was missing. 'Wheres Naruto?'.

"Ohayo.." Sakura greeted me still half-asleep.

"Um, where's Naruto?" I asked, looking around the room for the knucklehead friend of mine.

"Naruto hasn't come back." Tazuna said.

My heart stopped. He hasn't come back...?

"He's such a fool, he's been out every night climbing trees." Sakura said calmly, "He might be dead already from using up to much chakra."

I growled and bit my lip to stop myself from yelling at Sakura for what she said. Who says things like that so easily?! You should care about your teammate! For Jashin's sake he might be dead! I walked to the door and opened it. 'Naruto...'

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