Devilish Mind - Horrific Sight Upon Awakening

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Gaara's P.O.V

I smirked even wider at my siblings reactions, they were simply amazing. Temari was shocked as usual that I said such a thing with no care. Though, Kankuro on the other hand was afraid. He moved over to the side farther away from me. 'Hn, these two are so weak. Fear is a sign of weakness, they both have so much fear for me. If only they'd learn how to be useful for once, maybe then I wouldn't be so cruel as they say I am.' I mused, then released a small chuckle at my own stupidity. 'Who am I kidding? I would never show kindness to these imbecils, I don't need any weakness lingering in me.'

Temari cleared her throat, glancing at me with fear and shock still evident in her eyes. "G-Gaara, wouldn't it be a better option to use her as bait? We could lead her team to us and destroy their scroll, leaving them helpless." She offered, shifting around nervously.

I thought about it. Hm, seems like Temari may not be a nuisance after all. I could use the blue-headed girl to lure the rest of her team over to us, though mainly the Uchiha. He's someone I'd like to kill and watch slowly bleed to death as I suffocate them with my sand. Watching them scream and plead for mercy would be enjoyable. I licked my lips in hunger for his blood, quote honestly, anyone's blood at this moment.

I looked at Temari, hiding a sadistic smirk behind my emotionless face. "...Fine, we will do as you say. The girl will lure her teammates to us, once they are near us..." I said, monotone, smirking at Temari who released a sigh of relief. "I will kill them."

Temari and Kankuro gasped in horror, "B-But Gaara!" They exclaimed.

I shook my head, "It's either that or we will do as I desire.." I stated, with a dark glare aimed at him, telling him to shut his mouth or there will be deep consequences ahead.

He understood from what I could tell. Kankuro gulped and shook his head at Temari, she spared him a questioning look.

"What...?" She asked, raising eyebrow.

"Leave it at that, Temari. Either way, um, your plan seems more...painless." Kankuro stated, scratching his cheek nervously.

She sighed at him, "Got it. Let's get going then, we still need to get our scroll too." She said, glancing at Reina. "Gaara, bring the girl with you. Me and Kankuro will be up ahead looking for a team that has the scroll we need."

I nodded with my arms crossed, my sand appeared beside me with Reina in its grasp.

Temari glanced at me warily, then at Reina. Kankuro nodded her shoulder and they both disappeared in a swirl of leaves. 'Finally those pests left me alone.' I thought, sneering in distaste. I turned to Reina, and the pile of sand that was holding her up in the air.

I glared at her body, "What am is supposed to do with you?" I growled, walking on ahead upon realization that I now would have to take care of the hostage.

Of course, after being knocked out for some unknown reason, she didn't respond to my question. Leaping ahead, I managed to catch up with Temari and Kankuro right on time. At the moment they were facing two rain nin with umbrellas on their backs. I decided to hide behind a tree for the meanwhile, to see how they felt with this situation at hand. My chakra lowered to a barely noticable amount.

"Hah, it seems like we found our next weaklings, Taka." The rain nin on the left stated smugly.

The other rain nin paid no attention whatsoever, he instead, grinned and took his umbrella out from behind his back.

"Time to finally have some fun in this damn test!" The one known as Taka, shouted, tossing his umbrella up in the air. "Water Style: Black Needles!"

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