The End Of My Abuse? - A Hero

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy this little fanfic of mine. I will do my absolute best to update as daily as possible, but I can't really promise anything. Oh, but let me get the main thing out of the way. I do NOT own Naruto. I only own my character Reina Hizō, got it? Thanks. Onto the story then!




[Six years old]

I groaned in pain as I was slapped across the face roughly. The sound echoed throughout the room, reaching my ears over and over again. I held in any screams that dared to escape my mouth. I would not show pain here. I just couldn't. I would only get beat even more if I did. That's how it was here for me. You want to speak out? Then you'll have to endure the consequences. 

My vision was blurred by the tears forming in my eyes from both the pain and overwhelming anger bubbling inside me. I growled lowly as my tears rolled down my face, landing on the floor in little droplets. Then before I could look up, I was slapped once again but even harder than before.

"Oh, are you crying, ya baby? I'll give you a reason to cry, you little piece of shit!" My beater, someone who I had learned to get used to seeing everyone morning as he kicked me awake, yelled in anger.

He kicked and punched me everywhere, leaving my body screaming in pain with each and every hit. I bit my lip to hold back a scream that tried to escape my lips. It worked, but I was only hurting myself even more in return. I wanted to let it out, all my emotions, that is. Holding in my screams killed me.

Snickering, he then punched me in my stomach. My eyes widened at the overwhelming amount of pain that took over my abdomen. My head flew forward in impact, but the restraints held me in place. I coughed up blood. My body tried to regain my breath once more. I spat out the blood that was pooling in my mouth from how hard I bit my lip or cheek, and glared at the ground. 'Why... why was I letting this go on? Shouldn't I fight back, or even be a little stronger?!' I thought sourly.

"Ahhh!" More screams and groans rang out from my mouth

"What did I say? Stop screaming you piece of shit, or I will give you a reason to scream!" He shouted his loud commands, with a scruffy voice. He let of a demonic sounding laugh at his own words. Either way, he was going to hurt me so I would scream, thus leaving him with a reason to beat me even more.

A low whimper passed my lips, and then his chuckling followed suit. I looked my beater in his eye. I gulped. That was a big mistake... He brought down a whip, and you could hear the sound of my skin getting hit very clearly. I couldn't help but scream in pure agony. This pain was too much for me.

He chuckled madly, "Hahaha! Scream! Keep on screaming! No one is coming for you; not now, not ever. " He spat in disgust.

I hung my head, my once shining blue hair that was now dirty and tainted, now hung in front of my eyes. And my blank, cold eyes formed painful tears that slowly made their way down my cheeks.

"I know... No one cares for me or ever will, but I don't care," My now determined eyes met his. "I'm perfectly fine alone!" I shouted.

His eyes widened and were filled with anger, and his hard angered gaze met my eyes once more. He raised his hand along with the whip. My eyes widened in fear. I regret saying anything now. The whip met my skin harshly possibly leaving a scar. I screamed loudly. I panted and struggled for breath. Sweat dripped down the side of my face to the ground. He chuckled at the sight of me struggling. I scowled. This idiot probably loves seeing me in pain. Suddenly, a series of screams rang out. My beater tensed immediately. 'I'm confused, didn't they beat others also? Wasn't that the reasons for the screams?' I thought.

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