Reasons - Guilty Pleasure

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A/N: This chapter will hopefully clear up confusion that most of you have at the moment. I apologize for making past few chapters a little, er, confusing I guess? Well then, shall we begin the plan to "clear up the confusion my readers have"! If not, that means I strayed away from my goal and wrote about something else... Sorry!

Warning: A bit of KakaIru in the chapter. You don't like it? Well too bad!

OOC Kakashi too, maybe...


[ Still in Iruka's House ]

Kakashi's P.O.V

I picked up Reina bridal style and eyed her with my one eye. So far all was going well. My plan was starting to work and slowly, but surely, Reina would come for me for help with this pain. I know for a fact that she can't handle so much of her own, She needs something to lean on; someone. She's showed signs of needing someone by her side in order to get stronger. For example, when she met Atsushi she had the sudden urge to get stronger in order to be at his level. So she could protect herself.

In the preliminaries when she was going against Gaara, for a mere second, if you looked at her very closely, you could tell she looked over at him.

"Oh Reina, you're going to be very powerful after this." I mumbled and walked over to the couch, placing her down gently.

Currently, she was in a Genjutsu I placed her in with my left eyes Mangekyo Sharingan. She should be experiencing some rather interesting things. Maybe even some triggering memories. If a Genjutsu could make a Shinobi scream and possibly die, yet there was a chance that the victim could surpass the Genjutsu and come back with a stronger mentality. I will take that chance for the sake of Reina's strength.

My father, the White Fang, his main goal was to teach me in order to make me stronger. But the way he was going, saving his teammates rather than completing the mission, he wasn't getting anywhere. Then the day of his death came. It pained me when I heard about his death, when I heard all of the civilians saying how worthless he was for saving his friends over the stake of the mission. My goal of saving my friends at all costs crumbled in my hands. Just like his life slipped out of his grasp.

My father was dead, he committed suicide over the shame hanging over him. Even the people he saved shunned him for his actions. Everyone turned their backs on my father as he was a piece of trash to them. He risked his life and saved them, only to receive hateful comments by his own team; his own village.

I didn't plan on letting the same thing happen to Reina. Now that I was given the chance to be a father, a father over a little girl who struggled for a portion of her life. I was going to use it wisely. I was weak when I aimed to save my friends. I grew stronger beyond belief when my father died and when I changed my Ninja way. This is what I had in mind for Reina. She needed to stop being weak for once, I wanted her to show me her true potential! And the only way to get that to happen was by making her relive all of her worst nightmares, and even the death of her so called brother.

This was all for the better good whether she saw it or not. I won't let her down like my father did to me. No, I had plans for the future.

I heard the stairs creaking under someone's weight. I didn't have to look over my shoulder to see who it was. I knew Iruka was coming back down after hearing all the screaming and yelling coming from Reina.

"Are... Are you done?" He asked, walking over to the couch.

I nodded, keeping my eyes on her as she squirmed around, wincing in pain every few seconds. 'I wonder which nightmare she was living through first... Atsushi's death? Her parents death? Her clans murder...?' I thought.

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