Utter Fear - Farewells?

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Reina's P.O.V

I sobbed into Atsushi's shoulder, burying my face even deeper. My eyes flew open when there was a sudden loud cry in pain coming from outside of the tree we were hiding inside. I squeezed his arms in fear. I was out of it. Everything, every small thing is getting to me like nothing. The sight of Sakura's blood, her injuries... It frightened me like nothing. This never happened before. I do know one thing...


It was his fault, he didn't protect her... Not only that, he hurt both me and Atsushi. I stood up shakily while glancing outside of the hollow tree.

"T-Tataki, come with m-me." I ordered, taking ahold of his hand as I stood up and headed towards the entrance of the tree.

I didn't need an answer from him, that promise he made to me is enough. He's going to stay by my side now... Just like he promised. I took a step out of the tree, horrified at what Sasuke was doing. Sasuke had his right foot on the man known as Zaku's back, while his arms pulled Zaku's arms back. 'Dear Jashin, what has gotten into Sasuke?!' I thought utterly petrified at this point.

"It seems like you're very proud of these arms... Too bad they are useless." He said, pushing his leg down on his back harder while pulling on Zaku's arms.

Zaku screamed as there was a loud crack coming from his arms. 'No way, Sasuke actually broke his arm!'

"S-Stop!" Zaku screamed out, stammering in pain.

Sasuke disregarded Zaku's plead and pulled all the way back, causing Zaku to scream out even louder. My eyes watered.

"Sasuke... What has gotten into you?" I muttered.

Atsushi groaned, "I think it's from that mark your pink-headed friend Sakura was telling us about. The mark must be doing something to make him like this." He said, groaning a bit.

I nodded slowly, "That could be true, Tataki." I replied, glancing back at Sakura. "Hey, Sakura. Could you please help Tataki here with his wounded arm? Like, by patching it up..? We're going to need him in top condition..."

Sakura nodded and ran over to Atsushi, she grabbbed his good arm. "Come on over, I'll help you along with Ino. We'll both try our best as non-medics." She said, dragging him away.

I dropped my hand to the side, frowning at the emptiness in my hands. I shook my head. I can't be frowning over such a small thing... 

Sasuke stepped on his back a little more and tossed him to the side, like a toy he finished using. He eyed everyone else, looking for his next 'toy' to play with. This wasn't the Sasuke I had met during the academy, this was not the Sasuke I balled my eyes out to during our stay at Inari's home, this was not the Sasuke I knew... This... This was someone completely new, and he scares me.

He looked over at Zaku's remaining teammate. Sasuke smirked at him evilly, "You're next." He said, making his way over to him.

My eyes widened. I can't let Sasuke hurt this man like he did to Zaku! "Sasuke, s-stop!" I shouted, running over to him. I wrapped my arms around him to keep him still, it's not like I want to embrace him. I knew Sasuke was in there somewhere when he went tense. "Sasuke... Please stop! This isn't like you, you wouldn't do anything like this to someone! Just stop, dammit!"

I cried a bit as I held him. This whole Chūnin Exam thing was going horribly. Not one good thing has really come out of this! Sasuke dropped to the ground, panting like crazy. I fell to my knees crying softly. I officially broke. I have never cried so much before in one day, that is if you don't count my past.

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