The Academy - Genin Test!

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Six years later - Twelve years old

Reina's P.O.V

I yawned loudly and jump out of my dark blue bed. Stretching my body, I glance over my shoulder at the clock hanging on the wall. -7:10- 'Doesn't the academy start at 7:10?' I asked myself. Shrugging it off, I brushed pass the clock. Oh well, I'm going to be late for my very first day at the academy. Too bad.

I grabbed my clothing as I headed to my bathroom in order to take my morning shower. I don't want to stink now unlike others who don't really care about their hygiene. I cringed at the thought. Taking a quick shower, changing, and combing my blue hair then braiding it. I finished my routine by brushing my teeth. Now I'm ready to start this damned academy, not like I need it anyways. Dad has taught me all types of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu over the past six years. So, I'm way ahead of the academy's learning schedule. Pretty cool, huh? I sighed. 'I'm going to be really late now. Dads lateness is spreading to me like a disease.' I thought with a shiver. I walked into the kitchen slowly before taking an apple from the bowl on the table and biting into it.

"Dad! I'm heading to the academy now, bye!" I shouted as I opened the front door. 

Dad popped up suddenly, scaring the crap out of me. I glared at him and punched him lightly on the chest. It's not like I was going to hurt him anyways. 

"What now?" I asked boredly.

He smiled through his mask, "Hm, it's nothing. Just wanted to say good luck to my daughter, can't a dad do that?" Dad whined, acting very weirdly for a man of his age.

I rolled my eyes at his behavior. How childish can this dad of mine act?

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't get emotional about it, alright?" I said, waving my hand at him.

Dad chuckled, "I know, Reina. Well, good luck out there. Behave and make friends." Dad said.

"Thanks. And about the whole making friends thing, no promises." I smirked, making him shake his head. "Bye, Dad. See ya later~" I said kissing him on the cheek, before walking out the door.

Heh. He wants me to make friends? I doubt that will happen... Everyone is scared of me because of my blue hair and eyes. What's so bad about having blue hair and eyes? These people are just plain stupid. 'No one understands how I feel to be alone.. That's why I'm so cold now..' I thought. Walking down the streets, I stopped at a big building. The academy; the place I was placed in so I could become a genin.

'Woah, I got here quicker than I thought I would.' I mused. I walked towards the door and pushed it open, not before throwing the apple to the birds. I was greeted by a secretary with red hair and black eyes. She smiled at me.

"Do you need anything?" She asked kindly.

"Yeah, I'm the new student. Reina Hizō." I stated bluntly.

The lady gave me another big smile. I scowled and turned away from her, she's too bubbly.

"Ah, found you. Here, your classroom number is 129. Now go on, have fun Reina." She giggled. (A/N: Idk the room number, so go along with it.)

"Uh, yeah.. I will, thanks..." I muttered as I backed away slowly.

I shivered just thinking about that woman's aura. 'She was to kind, I've never seen anyone like that before besides Uncle Iruka. Man I miss him, I haven't seen him in what? Two years? He's been busy with missions and other stuff, but I'll visit him after this if I have extra time.' I thought, my hand on my chin.

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