First Real Mission - C-Rank!

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Reina's POV

A static like click, whistled in my ear. "Sasuke, point B." Sasuke muttered.

"Sakura! Point C!" Sakura whisper yelled.

"Naruto!" Dad said.

"Naruto at point A!" Naruto replied into the mic.

"You're too slow, Naruto!" Dad scolded, "Reina?"

I sighed, completely annoyed we had to do this mission. It was a very simple, baby mission that I think anyone could complete.

"Here, at point D." I whispered, keeping my eye on the target.

"Hm..?" Dad said, "Target has moved! Follow it!"

I jumped to another tree, hiding myself from the target, our whole objective of this mission. To capture, Tora...a cat. (A/N: I don't know if Tora is a girl or boy, so sorry if I'm mistaken that he's a boy.)

"What's your distance from the target?" Dad asked us.

I glanced around, "Five meters at least. Ready when you are." I said.

"Five meters too! I'm ready to go!" Naruto, exclaimed quietly.

"Same here." Sasuke and Sakura said.

"Okay....." I glared at Tora, waiting to lunge at it and end this nonsense. "Go!"

We all lunged at Tora, Naruto grabbed him first. But, Naruto was holding the cat upside down. I sweat dropped. He didn't look to happy to be held by him. He scratched and hissed furiously.

"Naruto, I don't think he's happy.." I muttered, pointing my finger at Tora.

"He's just feisty, he is a cat-! Owwww!" Naruto hissed as Tora pawed at his face.

I shook my head at his foolishness. He'll never understand will he? That's something you have to like about him though, his childlike behavior lifts the mood.

"Is the target captured?" Dad asked,

I hummed in response. 'Mission to capture the damn cat is complete.'

"Good, does he have a red ribbon on his left?" He asked.

I looked over a Tora, "Yes, it's our target. No mistake." Sasuke and I said in unison.

Sasuke stared at me, I gave him a sour look in return. Baka, who's stares at people like that... Oh, he does.

"Mission to capture target, Tora. Completed!" Dad shouted.

Walking up to Naruto, I snatched Tora out of his arms. Tora purred, I placed him on my head. I felt him paw at my hair for awhile, then he went calm. Smiling, I pet Tora softly, feeling his soft fur.

"You alright, Naruto?" I asked, masking my worry for him by putting on a blank look.

"Yeah, I'm fine, hehe." Naruto said sheepishly.

I gave him a small, faint smile. "Okay, good."


"Oh my lovely Tora! I was worried to death! Don't run away from mommy ever again!" A plump woman with make-up smeared all over her face shrieked, squeezing the life out of Tora.

"Poor, Tora."I muttered with a frown.

I felt bad for him, the poor cat was going to get killed if he keeps getting squished like day all the time. No wonder why the cat ran away.

"Ha! The stupid cat deserves it!" Naruto laughed.

"No wonder he ran away..." Sakura muttered.

"Now then, for Team Kakashi's next mission.. There's babysitting a counselor's child, an errand to a neighboring village, planting-" gramps started.

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