Chapter 1: The Frat Boys

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Fuck this.

That was all Farah could think as she rolled out of bed at 7 am on a Saturday. She sat up and looked at the empty bed that was sitting across from her. All of Malia's things were gone, it had been that way for three months now.

Farah simply brushed off the thought of Malia, just like she had been doing since the accident. As she sat in a hospital bed, doctors shuffling around her, poking and prodding her, she decided that she wasn't going to feel anymore. Malia couldn't be dead, none of it made sense to her and she refused to believe it.

For three months, Farah avoided all of her feelings, which was dangerous because the second she acknowledged them, she was going to explode. Anytime someone would ask her how she was doing, she would simply brush them off or make an excuse that she had to go walk her goldfish. It became routine for her. If she didn't think about Malia, she would never have to feel that pain.

With a sigh, she stood up from her bed and began to get ready for her day. Farah put on a pair of black jeans and a Nirvana t-shirt. She smiled at herself thinking about how Malia would have totally disapproved of the whole grunge look. Farah's smile faltered when she began to think about the fact that she was dead, never to be seen again. She tried her best to bury the thoughts of her best friend, but it was no use. As she felt the pain growing, she also felt this strange static feeling inside of her, one she often felt when she thought of Malia. It was different this time though, it felt as if it was spreading to her fingers. She looked in the mirror with confusion-

A loud knock was heard on the door.

"Hey, Farah can I borrow some tampons?" A loud voice asked from behind the wooden door. Farah grabbed the wall for a second and took a deep breath.

She walked over to the door and opened it to find her neighbor, Lizzy, standing there with her hands in her pockets. Farah fakely smiled at the other girl and grabbed a couple of tampons from her stash. She may have not been in the best mood, but when a fellow girl needs something to stop the flow, you help her out.

Lizzy took the tampons with a quizzical smile, a bit confused as to why Farah didn't say anything. She scratched the back of her head and walked away.

"Wow, she really is losing it," Lizzy muttered to herself as she made her way back to her room.

Unfortunately, Farah heard her talk under her breath and she closed the door a little too harshly. She leaned her back up against it and began to inhale quickly. After Malia died, people began to notice the change in Farah. She rarely spoke unless she needed to and she hated leaving her room. She became a hermit.

Farah shook her head and grabbed her bag, leaving her room. She couldn't be in there any longer and she knew she would be late for work if she kept sulking. She trotted down the stairs of her building and out into the fresh world. It was a beautiful day outside, birds chirping, the wind blowing in exactly the right way.

Farah hated it.

She would never let herself enjoy these things anymore. If Malia couldn't enjoy it, why should she?

Farah trudged her way across campus, desperately needing some caffeine. She didn't have time to stop for coffee so she already knew it was going to be a long day. She passed by strangers who were laughing and chatting. She shook her head. Farah didn't know why, but everything was reminding her of Malia today.

It was like she could see her in everything,

Farah shook her head and kept walking, burying her feelings down below. She had been doing that for three months, why is it now all of a sudden a problem? She approached a building called Daniels Hardware and walked inside.

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