Chapter 59: The Retreat, Part 2

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WARNING: This chapter depicts sexual/domestic abuse. 18+ content.

This chapter took me so long to write, it's over 7k words so enjoy :) (this also means there are typos so ignore them lol)


Day 2

Farah woke up as the sun peered through her window.

She yawned a little and sat up, rubbing the side of her face. She looked over at her alarm clock and realized it was already 11 am. With furrowed eyebrows, Farah stood up and stretched her back a little.

For once, she had actually gotten a decent night of sleep. She didn't have a nightmare or feel like someone was watching her, actually, she felt really good.

Farah sighed and walked into her bathroom, washing her face and getting ready for her day. She didn't have that much to do that day so she decided she would spend a little time cleaning.

She walked back into her room and went straight for her closet. She wasn't really a breakfast person so she decided to not get food and just get started on her cleaning. Farah sighed as she walked in, looking at the piles of clothing on the ground.

After she found her name in the journal last night, she had been freaked out for a while. Farah then decided that she was just going crazy since she was the only one who could read the book anyway. I mean there was no way that what she saw had been real, right?

Farah just shook her head and began to fold her laundry, letting herself get lost in her thoughts. She did this for about half an hour, finally being able to see the floor of her closet.

With a sigh, she stood up and put her hands on her hips, looking around in triumph. It actually looked pretty good, now all she needed to do was reorganize the boxes that were sitting on her shelves.

Farah grabbed one down, the majority of them were labeled and she knew this one had random knick-knacks in it. She set it down and raised an eyebrow at one that didn't have a label.

Back when she had first moved to the compound, she hadn't been the one to pack up her things from her dorm. Well, dorm probably wouldn't be the correct word. They lived on campus with other people but it was more apartment-style. Regardless, Tony had sent agents to retrieve her things and there were still a few boxes she hadn't gone through.

Farah picked the unmarked box up from the shelf and took it out into her bedroom. She placed it down on the bed, pulling off the lid and looking inside. She frowned a little when she realized what was in it.

It was some old things of Malia's; a ratty old blanket, a couple of pictures, and an old jewelry box. Farah sighed and picked up one of the picture frames, they must have packed up a few of Malia's leftover things.

She looked at the picture and Farah felt herself smile sadly. It was a framed photo of her and Malia when they were in high school, actually, it was a picture from their junior prom.

The two girls were standing in their dresses with their dates next to them. Malia had on a mahogany-colored dress that hugged her entire body and complimented her tan skin. Behind her, holding her waist, was a tall boy with ash brown hair. Farah shook her head a little, she still had no idea how Malia managed to pull Derek Wilson, the captain of the football team. But then again, Malia often got what she wanted.

She let her eyes flicker over to herself and she cringed. There she was, her honey-colored hair in its natural curl pattern, except it had looked like a rat's nest because she decided adding a lot of hairspray was a good idea. She had on a lilac dress that was a little too loose on the top and flowed out into this strange fringy material. At the time, Farah thought she had looked great, she really thought she was the shit. Looking back, it made sense why her date was Timmy Woodsworth.

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