Chapter 45: The Steam

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WARNING: This chapter contains sexual and mature content. 18+ content.

Another meme that made me fucking wheeze by


Farah felt something grab her shoulder.

She sat up straight in Pietro's bed and held the knife out towards whatever had grabbed her. Farah was in fight mode, especially after the night she had.

"Woah, Zappy, ce dracu???"

Pietro was standing there with wide eyes as Farah was holding the tip of the blade against his chest. She relaxed a bit and lowered her arm, rubbing her face with her hand. She glanced over at the clock, it was 6 am.

"Jesus, Maximoff, what are you doing here?" She asked annoyed. Pietro furrowed his eyebrows and looked around.

"This is my room, is it not?"

"No, I meant why are you back from your mission so early?" Farah asked looking at him. There were huge bags under his eyes and he looked terrible. He sighed.

"The raid was not as hard as we thought it was going to be." Pietro said with a shrug, "The base was mostly empty, it was honestly useless" He added a bit angry that he had to go in the first place. He glanced back over at Farah.

"Draga, why are you holding a knife?"

Farah looked down at it, "Oh I was being a little paranoid last night. I had a terrible dream and I thought that if someone was after me that they wouldn't think to look in here." She rambled, placing the knife on the side dresser. She looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, how did you get in here? I locked the door."

"Princessa, this is my room, I have a key."

Farah sighed, she wasn't sure why she hadn't thought of that. Pietro gave her a concerned look, he could tell she was in distress but he also knew she wasn't a huge fan of talking about her feelings.

They made eye contact for a moment and Pietro just sighed, getting into bed next to her. He had more questions but he was too tired at this point to ask them.

Farah was about to get out of bed when she felt Pietro's strong arms wrap around her and pull her back towards him. He burrowed his head between her chest and neck, wrapping his arms tightly around her torso.

"Don't leave" He said into her chest, "It helps me sleep better when you are here" Pietro admitted.

Farah smiled softly and placed one of her hands in his hair, stroking it gently like she knew he liked. Pietro could already feel himself drifting off into sleep and Farah just shut her eyes, trying to fall back asleep too. She was still pretty tired considering her night before was a little rough.

"I won't go anywhere," Farah said softly.


Pietro and Farah both woke up around noon, giving Pietro about six hours of sleep.

He wanted to stay in bed all day with her, but Clint made him get up and train for a bit. Farah wished he would've given Pietro a day off, he was exhausted and needed some rest, though Farah didn't know why. She assumed it was just him overworking himself.

In reality, his exhaustion was because of her.

Ever since Farah saw those people out in the woods, he was having a really hard time sleeping. He had also been helping Thor figure out who they were before he had left for Asgard. Pietro wanted so badly to protect Farah that he felt like if he let his guard down for even a second, something bad was going to happen.

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