Chapter 20: The Hickey

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After her morning with Pietro, Farah was laying down in her bed and staring up at the ceiling. She really wished Malia was there with her because she realized it would be a bit strange if she talked to Wanda about the orgasm her brother had just given her. She needed her best friend to help her process what had just happened, but she was gone, leaving Farah to just think about it alone.

After a while, she heavily sighed and got up to get dressed. Farah put on training clothes that consisted of leggings and a blue tank top with a sports bra underneath. She was in the mood for a run, hoping to let out some energy, but she definitely needed to eat something first.

As she tied her curly hair up into a ponytail, she walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. Wanda was sitting at the counter eating lunch with Vision and she laughed in a flirty way at one of his jokes, a bright grin across her face. Farah smiled to herself and walked over to get a bowl to make some oatmeal, glad to see Wanda enjoying herself.

She went to heat up some water when she found Wanda staring at her, her eyes examining Farah's face and neck. Farah furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, Vision was looking at her intently as well, the both of them just staring at her.

"What?" Farah asked, getting slightly embarrassed, "Is there something on my face?" She added while running her hand over her mouth to see if there was something there. Vision shook his head, leaning his head on his hand.

"No, more your neck," Wanda said, looking towards her chest with a small smirk. Farah was confused for a second before she looked down and remembered the marks Pietro had left on her earlier that day. As her face turned bright red, Farah silently cursed herself for not looking in the mirror before she had left, seeing that she now had multiple hickey's across her chest. An awkward moment of silence washed over the three as Farah figured out what to say.

"So..." Wanda said, tapping her finger on the counter, curiosity in her tone. Vision had a similar expression on his face, surprisingly interested in what Farah was going to say. "I am assuming you did not give those to yourself, who is the lucky guy? Or girl?" Wanda asked, raising an eyebrow as she lifted her coffee mug up to her mouth.

"Uhhh," Farah said, trying to think of an answer. She assumed that she and Pietro were on the down-low since they hadn't really talked about their relationship yet, so she definitely didn't want to say him. "Oh, you know just a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that is training here, I'd rather not say his name, you know until I know it's serious," Farah added, trying to be cool about it.

Wanda let out a small gasp, "You have been hooking up with a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and you did not tell me?" She exclaimed, a little offended that her friend hadn't shared this information with her. Farah glanced over to Vision who was just admiring Wanda, clearly not listening to the conversation.

"Zappy is hooking up with a who now?" Pietro asked as he walked into the kitchen, his demeanor cool and laid back. He had just gotten done with his training with Clint, his body sweaty as he used a towel to wipe his forehead off. He walked over to the cabinet to get a cup when Wanda spoke again.

"Oh you know, Farah is just letting a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent give her... what do you American's call them? Oh yes, hickey's," Wanda said with a smirk on her face as Farah rolled her eyes.

"Hey, I am a grown-ass woman, if I want a guy to suck my neck then I should be able to do so without judgment," She said in a little bit of a joking tone, though she was mostly serious.

Pietro wasn't really sure how felt about this. He obviously knew that he was the one to give her those marks, but even the idea of her being touched by another guy gave him a feeling that he definitely did not like.

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