Chapter 55: The Missing Clothes

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WARNING: This chapter depicts themes of sexual assault/domestic abuse. 18+ content.


"Who is that?"

"Are they naked?"

"Holy shit! Is that Rah?"

Farah opened her eyes and put a hand out to cover the sun. She squinted, not entirely remembering where she was. As her eyes adjusted to the light, she watched as a troop of about 10 male S.H.I.E.L.D. agents ran past in a two-line formation. They were obviously doing their morning training and Farah watched as they looked at her intently.

She then realized there was an arm wrapped around her waist and she turned to look at Pietro, who was drooling onto the blanket. She glanced down and widened her eyes.

They were naked.

In the middle of the field.

In broad daylight.

Farah made sure that she was covered by the blanket on top of them and she frantically looked around. She had a confused look on her face as her eyes circled around them.

Their clothes were gone.

She flipped so she was facing Pietro and she shook his arm. He closed his mouth to stop the drool from falling and he kept his eye closed.


"Pietro," Farah said in an urgent tone, "We need to get up, we are naked!" She whisper yelled to him. Pietro still kept his eyes closed and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"I do not see the problem with that."

"We are in the middle of the field, people have seen us!" Farah said a little more harshly. Pietro smirked and opened one of his eyes. She glared at him as he looked at her.


"Pietro, our clothes are gone," Farah said a little more frantically, glancing around. This got his attention and he sat up, his bare torso being exposed as he looked around.

"Maximoff!" Farah practically yelled at him as he did this. They were sharing the same blanket so as he sat up, he pulled it away from her for a second. She really hoped no one had seen, but alas, most things didn't go her way.

"Looking good, Wilks," She heard someone say. The agents were running back and they threw a few wolf whistles at her. Pietro heard this and turned his attention to the agents with a stern look on his face.

Collin and a few other guys were the culprits, laughing and looking at them. The ginger put two of his fingers between his mouth and whistled at them again.

Pietro would have clocked him right there, but he was naked so that wasn't exactly an option. He sent him a nasty glare and narrowed his eyes.

"I am not afraid to punch you again, Carrot Hair," Pietro said loudly and angrily. Farah just put her head in her hands and shook it. This was a disaster.

The smile on Collin's face fell as he felt himself place a hand on his cheek where Pietro had punched him before. He visibly shrunk and just kept running, his friends following him as well. Pietro glared at them all as they ran away, all being pretty intimidated by him.

He then looked over at Farah who was mortified. She glanced over at him and shook her head, this was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of her life. She was about to say something when she heard more people running towards them.

It was still a troop of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, but this time they were all female. Sasha was in the mix, along with Katrina.

"Wow, Kat, you were right! He does have an eight pack!"

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