Chapter 21: The Meeting

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WARNING: This chapter contains mature and sexual content. 18+ content.

Farah felt something poking at her shoulder and she woke up abruptly, a startled look on her face. She sat up and wiped the drool off her face, looking over to see a wide awake Pietro laying on his bed. With a confused expression on her face, Farah looked around herself and saw some of her textbooks there.

"I would have let you sleep longer, but you were getting drool on my shirt," He said teasingly, crossing his arms a little. She must have been studying in there and fallen asleep on top of him. She put her face into her palm and sighed, that had been one hell of a nap because she remembered dozing off pretty easily.

"Did you know that you snore when you sleep?" Pietro asked, sitting up in his bed, "You sound a bit like a baby elephant, but I find it charming," He added with a smirk, his eyebrows raising a little. Farah rolled her eyes and playfully tossed a pillow at him, standing up and grabbing her books before she began to walk out the door.

She glanced over her shoulder and saw that Pietro was following her like a puppy. One thing she realized from her time with him was that he was very co-dependent, especially since he didn't have a lot of friends on the compound. She didn't really mind the clinginess, though she did want some time to herself to get dressed. She walked into her room and he followed swiftly as Farah set her books down, turning to look at him with a small smile on her face.

"Pietro, I want to change," She said so she could get some privacy. He stood there with a smirk on his face, his body language sly and cocky.

"Ok, I can help you with that," He added arrogantly, walking forward a bit. Farah glared at him a little and he rolled his eyes. "Alright fine, I am going down to the kitchen," Pietro said, planting a kiss on her lips before leaving.

Farah simply sighed, changing into a long sleeve shirt and some overalls. You could still see the marks Pietro had left on her so she was trying to cover it up as best as possible, luckily they had mostly faded by now. After braiding her hair, she walked down the hallway and into the kitchen where she saw Pietro and Clint loudly bickering about something. 

"Maximoff, I am telling you," Clint said, holding up a roll of paper towels, "When you put a new roll into the paper towel dispenser, you make sure the tearable part is at the top, not the bottom," Clint said seriously, an incredulous look on his face. Wanda walked in and stood next to Farah, crossing her arms in confusion.

"What are they arguing about?" Wanda whispered in her Sokovian accent. Farah shrugged and shook her head as she watched the two bicker.

"I think they are arguing over paper towels," She said with furrowed eyebrows, causing Wanda to cock her head to the side a little.

Pietro smirked and chuckled a bit, "Whatever you say old man," He said to him jokingly, knowing exactly how to get under his skin. Clint shook his head and threw a couple of fake punches at Pietro's stomach, making him laugh. It made Farah smile a bit, it was clear Clint was like a father to him.

Everyone's attention changed when Tony quickly walked into the room. "Meeting in five minutes in the Conference Room," He said leaning into the kitchen, glancing around at everyone, "You can come too, Sparky," He said to Farah and she widened her eyes, not really expecting that.

"But I'm not an Avenger yet," She said a bit confused, this usually never happened so she was honestly just surprised. Tony shrugged, glancing down at his phone, "Well you will be eventually, maybe you'll learn something, you can sit with the twins," He said to her frankly before leaving the room. Farah just widened her eyes and looked over at Wanda.


Ten minutes later, Farah was sitting at the far end of the Conference Room table next to Pietro. She originally wanted to sit next to Wanda but the auburn-haired woman insisted on sitting with Vision. As Steve began to ramble on about their mission, Farah's mind began to wander.

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