Chapter 48: The Laundry Room

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WARNING: This chapter contains mature and sexual content. 18+ content.

My washing machine flooded yesterday (which is part of the reason I didn't post) and that was the inspiration for this chapter...don't ask me why when I go into crisis mode I start thinking about smut...

This chapter is a little more random because I originally wrote it as just smut but I added more, but don't worry, Chapter 50 is coming up soon so something big is probably going to happen...


"Grab the popcorn!"

Farah nodded and raced over to the cabinet to get snacks. Wanda was walking to the fridge and pulling out drinks. She glanced down at her watch and shook her head.

"Farah, it is starting in 2 minutes!" She said frantically, grabbing snacks from the fridge. Farah started grabbing chips and other things from the cabinet when something caught her eye.

At the back of the cabinet, it looked like a Valknut had been carved into it.

Farah narrowed her eyes and reached her hand out to touch it, but the second her fingers hit the wood, it disappeared. She jumped as Wanda practically yelled at her.

"Farah! Come on!" Wanda said running out of the kitchen. Farah grabbed the snacks and bolted after her, trying not to drop anything. It was at this point that she kind of wished Pietro was with them, they could have used his super speed.

They made it to Wanda's room and Farah quickly flipped on the television. Wanda scrambled onto her bed and Farah followed swiftly. She opened a can of soda while Wanda opened a bag of chips.

The Bachelor started playing on the screen and they both watched intently. The two of them hated reality T.V. shows except for this one, it was actually something they had bonded over when they first met.

They decided that they would have a girl's night each week when it was on, which usually consisted of eating junk food and complaining about men. Ever since they had both gotten boyfriends, they decided that they needed to set time aside just for themselves.

"I really hope they eliminate Brittany this week, she is such a bitch," Farah said popping a chip into her mouth. Wanda nodded, agreeing with her.

"Either her or Lilah, they both do not deserve him" Wanda added, reaching her hand into Farah's bag to grab some chips. They both just shook their heads and watched the T.V. intently.

Pietro and Peter were sitting in the kitchen playing cards. They were both bored since they both probably had ADHD and were genuinely not interested in the game. Peter leaned on his arm and looked around.

"Where are Farah and Wanda? I haven't seen them all night," Peter asked glancing at Pietro. Pietro sighed and picked up the cards.

"It is bachelor night, bug boy," Pietro said putting the cards back into their case, "they are shoving their faces with food and watching a man date multiple women at once. They do this every week." He added looking at Peter.

"Why can't we hang out with them?" Peter said, resting his hand on his chin. Pietro shrugged and raised an eyebrow.

"I do not know, they usually like to have a girl's night," He said standing up with a sigh. Peter got up and opened the cabinet. He let out a noise of distress and turned to look at Pietro.

"Someone took my Pringles," He complained, glancing back to the cabinet. Pietro chuckled a bit and looked at him.

"It was probably the girls, they always take the snacks, it is amazing the amount of food they can eat," Pietro said before Peter began to walk out the door. Pietro furrowed his eyebrows and followed him. They began to walk towards Wanda's room.

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