Chapter 51: The Wounds

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Blood. Fear. Burning flesh.

That's all Farah could think about as she stood in the compound kitchen washing the blood off her knuckles.

She was scrubbing vigorously and she couldn't get the smell of burning flesh out of her mind. The image of the three dead muggers was plaguing her head and it was like she just kept replaying that memory. Farah tried her best not to gag at all the blood that was draining into the sink.

She had already bruised her knuckles earlier from punching Katrina and now she had created open wounds on them. All she could do was watch the blood drain from her hand, imagining it was the blood of the people that she just killed.

Farah felt like she needed to scrub her entire body clean. She hadn't even acknowledged the bullet wound on her arm or the blood coming from her face. She was too focused on what she had just done and she could still feel all the adrenaline rushing through her body.

She wasn't entirely sure how she had gotten back to the compound. Luckily she managed to not fry the Mustang this time so she assumed she had driven back but she honestly had been a little distracted with her thoughts. Farah was so preoccupied that she didn't notice someone standing in the doorway.


Pietro hadn't been able to sleep after what had happened with Farah so when he went to try and talk to her, he was surprised to find she wasn't in her room. He assumed she was in the kitchen eating cheese or something, but what he found was definitely not what he expected.

Farah didn't even hear him the first time he called out to her, she was still focused on her hands and the blood. Pietro furrowed his eyebrows and walked closer to her when she didn't respond. The second he saw blood, he was next to her in less than a second.

"Ce naiba?!" Pietro exclaimed seeing the blood in the sink. Farah was still focused on her hands and Pietro grabbed them from underneath the water. He looked at them with a concerned expression on his face. As he did this, Farah was actually forced to look at him and she felt herself slip back into reality a little bit.

Pietro shook his head and finally met her eyes, opening his mouth a little when he saw her beaten face. He brought a worried hand up to her cheek and touched it, bringing his thumb over a small cut above her lip.

"Dragostea mea," Pietro said quickly, giving her a concerned look, "What happened to you???" He asked scanning her for any more wounds. He didn't even care anymore that she had yelled at him for no reason, he was more focused on the fact that she was hurt.

Pietro's eyes widened as he saw the blood coming from her arm. He looked a little further and had to do a double-take between the wound and Farah's face. She was kind of just standing there, not really having anything to say.

"Farah, did someone shoot you???" Pietro asked, quickly grabbing a paper towel and applying pressure to her arm. He had her blood on his hands now but he wasn't too concerned about that.

"We need to go get Banner."

"No!" Farah practically yelled, grabbing his arm so he couldn't walk away. Pietro gave her a confused look and she shook her head.

"No one can know," Farah said looking at him with fear in her eyes. Pietro could tell how scared she looked so he took a step closer to her.

"Know what? That someone shot you?"

"They can't know that I killed three people!"

Pietro stopped and looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. He just took in her bruised and bloody face, her tattered knuckles, and her bleeding arm.

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