Chapter 19: The Headboard

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WARNING: This chapter contains mature, sexual content. 18+ content. (I'm going to say this once, and one time only. If you do not like certain words when you read smut, keep it to yourself and don't ruin it for other people. You can very easily pretend it isn't there without being rude.)

Farah woke up to screams filling the compound.

She sat up in her bed and immediately rushed out of her room, frantic thoughts running through her mind. The screams were coming from down the hallway and Farah felt herself start to run towards them, her body bolting into the kitchen. As she rushed into the room with her lungs on fire, she felt herself stop and go pale at what she saw.

On the ground with their throats slashed were Tony and Clint, blood gushing out of their wounds. Farah ran over to them, putting her hand over Tony's throat in hopes to stop the bleeding. The crimson substance was flowing out too quickly and she felt herself start to cry, his blood staining her hand.

She got up with a defeated feeling in her body and began to walk further into the kitchen, Tony's blood dripping off her hand. Farah didn't really know why she left him there, it was like she couldn't control herself. As she made her way further in, she saw a girl with brunette hair facing the opposite direction, holding someone by the neck.

She soon realized that Wanda was clutched between the brunette's hands, her voice letting out ear-piercing screams. Even though she couldn't see her face, she couldn't even imagine the terror she probably was feeling or expressing. Farah was going to try and help her, but she got distracted by the figure lying next to her on the ground.

In a heap on the floor, Pietro's dead body was lying there, his cornflower blue eyes lifeless. Her heart dropped to her knees, feeling like an imaginary string had yanked her soul out of her body. His throat was slashed and Farah felt herself try to yell to him, but nothing came out of her mouth. She then heard a slicing noise and watched as Wanda's body fell to the floor too, landing in the same position as her brother. The brunette that had been holding her turned around and look at Farah, her face finally being revealed.

Farah felt herself panic as she saw it was Malia who had killed Wanda, a bloody knife resting in the palm of her hand. She walked towards Farah, crimson blood splattered across her face. She pointed the knife at Farah's forehead and made the tip touch right in between her eyebrows.

"You're next," Malia said with a malicious grin on her face.

Farah sat up in her bed, dripping sweat.

She began to hyperventilate and she looked down at her hands, finding that there was no blood on them. She then anxiously ran a hand through her hair, touching her forehead where the tip of the knife had been touching her. The curly-haired girl had to take a few deep breaths before she realized it had all just been a terrible dream.

She then felt herself grow queasy at the realization, not understanding how any of that had seemed so real. Her mind was still trying to wrap itself around everything, after all, she did just have the most vivid dream of her life about her dead best friend killing all the people she cared about. To say she was shook would be an understatement. Even though she knew it hadn't been real, there was still a part of her that felt paranoid.

Frantically, she got out of bed and quickly opened her door, not wasting any time. She walked down the hallway and began to knock loudly on Pietro's room, uneasiness flowing through her veins. She tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for him to open it.

After about a minute Pietro opened the wooden door, a tired look on his face. For having superspeed, he sure did take his sweet time. Farah was relieved when she saw him, a little bit of her anxiety washing away. All he was wearing were pajama pants, his chest bare and toned like usual. His hair had that perfect bedhead look and Farah couldn't help but feel her eyes begin to tear up a bit.

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